Maddie Rue Journal Friday, May 03, 2024

Maverick 2 Years and 6 Months
Two and a half!! Wow! Maverick is getting to be such a big boy and he is hoot to be around. Mav is always the center of attention and is always making people laugh. Maverick has the best imagination and I love listening to him tell our cat stories and act out stories with his toys. Very cute!

I can't believe that he is going to be 3 soon. Where did my baby boy go? Maverick will be taking swim lessons again soon and I know that he will be happy about that.
Madelyn 4 Years and 8 Months
Well, we had our first parent-teacher conference for Madelyn's kindergarten year!! I still can't believe how awesome she is doing. Madelyn's class is broken down in to 5 seperate reading groups and she is in the top!!! Now remember that she is atleast 6 months younger than the kids and over a year younger than some of them!! It's amazing! She has made alot of friends and has found a best friend that she talks about ALL the time!! They have had after school playdates and will be going to a movie together and getting their nails done together this week. I am so proud of her!

Madelyn is looking forward to Christmas and seeing what Santa leaves for her. She said that we have to make sure and leave out yummy cookies and milk again this year! I don't think she will get exactly what she wants this year since she has been asking us for a baby sister!!
Maverick 2 Years and 5 Months
What a big boy he is getting to be!! Maverick loves school and loves going to see Miss Laura. He tested above average in all of his categories and we couldn't be more proud of him! Maverick had his first overnight at grandma and grandpa's house, and while he didn't sleep to great, he had a great time. I still think that it was harder on me and David then on Maverick. We sat around that night wondering what it was that we did before we had kids!!

We are looking forward to Christmas as this will be the first year that Maverick will really comprehend what is going on!! I can't wait to see his face that morning!
Madelyn 4 Years and 9 Months
I can't believe that 5 is just around the corner!! WOW! Where did the time go?? Madelyn is still enjoying school and it still at the top of her kindergarten class. We are so proud of her.

Madelyn is really excited about Christmas this year and has already been to see Santa. We just found out the other day that she asked Santa for a real pony and a real Princess crown. I hope she isn't too disappointed on Christmas day. We did tell her that we talked to Santa and that he said he understands that we just don't have anywhere to put a pony and that he would be sure to bring her something else that she wants!

We can't wait to find out what the new year has in store for us.
Maverick 2 Years and 7 Months
What a fun Christmas we had with Maverick. He really loved opening his gifts and wanted to help everyone else open their's as well. Maverick loved his pirate ship and accessories that he received and kept telling everyone that they were just like Gavin's (his friend in St. Louis).

Maverick asks everyday if he gets to go to school today....he has been on break for about 5 weeks. He finally gets to go back next week and he is so excited about that. Maverick has been spending a lot of time playing with girls!!!, he was very happy to go to a playdate yesterday and have boys to play with. I didn't see him for two solid hours. I really need to find him more boys to play with, poor kid!
Maverick 2 Years and 8 Months
I don't know if we have the terrible two's yet or not, but he sure loves the word "no" now. Maverick's favorite phrase is "no way". Gotta love little boys!! I always forget if we went through this with Madelyn because it has been over two years!!

Maverick is really enjoying being back at school. Mav has a couple new teachers and there are even a couple of male teachers in the classroom. Maverick gets so excited to go and see "the guys" on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We are looking forward to starting tumbling with Maverick next month and seeing him burn off all that energy.
Madelyn 4 Years and 10 Months
Madelyn had a wonderful Christmas and received everything she asked for....except a kitten of course!! Daddy told her that maybe she could get one for her birthday or next Christmas!! Way to give her hope! Madelyn enjoyed her Holiday break from school but was really excited to go back and see all of her friends.

Over the break we took time to visit both sets of Grandparents and also spent time with good friends. We kept the kids busy by taking them to play at Chuck E Cheese and at friends' houses and Madelyn got to see Alvin and the Chipmunks two times! I don't know who liked it better, Madelyn or David.

Madelyn is still doing great in school and is still in the top reading group. Some days it is hard to believe that she is only 4.
Madelyn 4 years and 11 Months
Well she is counting down the days until she turns 5. We still haven't figured out what we are doing for a party, it will either be a swimming party or a bowling party. We'll see!!

Madelyn has been doing awesome at swim class and can now swim pretty good without floaties!! I am so proud of her. I love it when she pops out of the water with a HUGE smile on her face..I just know she is so happy.

Madelyn is looking forward to Valentine's Day and making cards for all her friends at school. I think she is also looking forward to the receiving part too. We will have a party at her school and that is always great for a sugar high the rest of the day!
Maverick 2 Years and 9 Months
Well he is definitely a handfull! I can't believe the difference in little boys and little girls. Maverick is SOOOO smart but he is also so full of energy and defiance. If you ask him to do something he will always say "no" even if he is going to do it or already doing it! Rotten!

We are working on potty training and it is going pretty good. He will always sit on the potty if you ask him too, but it is mommy who often forgets to ask!! He got some Transformer underwear that he is excited about getting to wear. And he also got underpants that look like daddy's (boxer briefs), they are the cutest things ever!!

Maverick started tumbling this week and was able to get out and work off some energy with friends. I can't wait for Spring so we can be outside all the time!
Maverick 2 Years and 10 Months
Well, he is still rotten!! Potty training is going better, when he decides that he wants to go. Most of the time he will come and tell you he wants to sit on the potty AFTER he has already gone in his diaper! Well, it is a step, right? Mav still enjoys school and has been able to go outside and play a little bit now that the weather is warming up. Maverick also gets to go over to a friends house to play a couple days a week while David and I are working. He has a lot of fun. We are looking forward to being outdoors a lot this summer, and lots of time in the pool!
Madelyn 5 Years Old!
She's 5!! Maddie came down the stairs the morning of her birthday and said, "now no one in my class is four!" She was so excited to be FIVE!! I can't believe that my little girl is five years old. It seems like yesterday that I found out that I was pregnant with her and now here she is almost finished with kindergarten. Where does the time go?

We ended up having a swimming party at Five Points in Washington, and the kids had a really great time! I think that they really wore David out as he was the only parent that got in the pool with the kids! We fed everyone pizza, cake and icecream and then it was time to open gifts!! She got everything that she wanted! Kitties, Hello Kitty, Spongebob, clothes and a transformer!! What more could a little girl ask for? Yes, that's right a Transformer! I bet she watches the movie 3 times a week. She loves it! What a bonding thing for her and daddy since he LOVES the movie too!!
Maverick 3 Years Old
Wow! I can't believe he is three! It seems like just yesterday that I saw his face for the first time. He is just as sweet and special today as he was then! We had Mav's birthday party at his favorite park here in Washington (the sprinkle park as he calls it). It has a nice playground and water sprinklers for the kids to play in. We had pizza and cupcakes, Maverick's two favorite thing!! It has been so much fun watching him grow and I am looking forward to all the future has in store for us!
Madelyn 5 Years and 3 Months
We are really enjoying summer break already! We bought a pool pass for Washington Pool and plan on being there a lot this summer. Madelyn is signed up for T-ball and really looking forward to daddy coaching her team again. Maddie is already talking about when she gets to go back to school and be a first grader....oh to be a kid again!

Sorry for the short update, just too busy having fun with the kids!
Madelyn 5 Years and 1 Month
Things are still going great for Madelyn. She is nearing the end of her kindergarten year and I think that it has been a wonderful experience for her. She still gets up excited for school everyday and is bummed when there is a long vacation. We are leaving this week for a trip to Florida. We haven't told the kids yet, but I know that they will be super excited to go to Florida.
Madelyn has still been having fun with all her friends. She has a friend, Jaden, who comes over almost every Thursday after school. It is so fun to watch their interactions. We are looking forward to a busy and fun filled summer!
Madelyn 5 Years and 2 Months
This is her last week of kindergarten! Can you believe it? Me either!! She is really excited this week because she gets to go to Wildlife Prarie Park for a fieldtrip and then on the last day of school they are having a big picnic. Sounds like fun to me too! Madelyn is looking forward to the summer. She is already playing T-ball (daddy is coaching of course) and she can't wait for the pool to open. We will be moving in about a month so she will be closer to some of her friends and she will be able to make some new ones before the start of the next school year. She's gonna be a First Grader!! Holy Cow!
Maverick 3 Years and 1 Month
He is officially a big boy!! Maverick is working on potty training and doing a pretty good job! Sometimes he just doesn't make it in there quite fast enough!! Mav has been having lots of fun swimming in the big pool with daddy this summer. He has been going down the slide and jumping off the diving board, he really is fearless.

Maverick's favorite thing to do this summer is ride his bicycle outside! He is loving it and would stay on that bike all day if you let him! What a hoot.
Maverick 2 Years and 11 Months
He's almost 3! Maverick is so funny and such a joy to be around. He lights up the room as soon as he walks in! Mav's last day of school was a couple weeks ago and he still asks everyday if he gets to go to school today. It's kind of sad :( We are looking forward to spending a lot of time outdoors this summer. We will be at the pool almost everyday and spending lots of time with friends. I am enjoying planning Maverick's birthday party and have been on the hunt for lots of Buzz Lightyear things since that is what he is in to right now. I am really enjoying watching my little man change each day.
Madelyn 5 Years and 4 Months
She made her first "big girl" decision! She cut her hair short! She asked me to do it and I just couldn't say no. She looks so cute!! We have been having a great summer and have been spending a lot of time with friends. Maddie is excited to be in our new house and is enjoying the fact that everything is so close.

Madelyn is already talking about going to her new school and meeting new friends. She is really excited about being in first grade!
Madelyn 5 Years and 10 Months
Happy 2009!!!! Maddie got her report card back last week and once again she got perfect scores! We couldn't be more proud of her if we tried! MaddieRue has been very busy this past week selling lots of Girl Scout Cookies. Our goal is to sell 200 boxes and we are almost there!
Maverick 3 Years and 6 Months
Boy o Boy. What a month we have had with Mr. Maverick! Mav had his first ER visit and his first hospital stay and it wasn't fun for anyone!

Maverick started having a rash one morning that got worse throughout the day. By bedtime I was too scared to let him go to sleep as the rash was causing swelling around his mouth and eyes. Off to the ER he and I went! Shot of and epi pen and lots of meds later he was admitted to the peds floor for observation. Well, they let us go that next night (Friday), he seemed to be doing better over the weekend until Sunday evening. I took him to his pediatrician on Monday morning for a follow-up visit, he took one look at Maverick and called and had him admitted to the Children's Hospital in Peoria. Maverick was put in isolation (which meant that I was too), so for 3 days he and I did not leave his hospital room. I felt so sorry for my little baby, he had an IV put in and that was used to give him most of his meds. Lots of tests later, they still don't know what was wrong. The joys of modern medicine I guess. So now we keep an EPI-pen on us at all times just incase it starts to happen again.

Sooo...let's hope the next month is a little less eventful for Maverick!
Maverick 3 Years and 2 Months
What a fun little man we have! He continues to make us laugh each and every day. We wonder where he comes up with half the stuff he does and says. Maverick is looking forward to school starting in a couple weeks and getting to meet new friends and new teachers.

Maverick was so proud of himself on Sunday because he was able to move up to "Big Boy" church. We have been holding out waiting for him to potty train...he is about 80%. I figured this might be a great motivation for him to complete the task at hand. Maverick has so much of his dad in him, he is strong willed, has a mind of his own, but is also the star of the show! I look forward to this year and all the great times we will have as a family.
Madelyn 5 Years and 5 Months
She starts first grade next week. I can hardly believe it. We went yesterday and checked out her classroom and met her teacher. Madelyn wasn't too excited before we went about going back to school, but she is counting down the days now.

We have been trying to pack in a lot of summer activities since school is getting ready to start. We have been taking lots lof walks, swimming, hanging out at the lake, riding bikes and much more. This has been a great summer for our family and we are looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year has in store for us.
Madelyn 5 Years and 6 Months
She is officially a first grader and lovingit! They say kids forget a lot of what they learned the previous year over the summer, not our little girl. She is doing great in school already and is excited every day to get up and go to school. We are so proud of her.

Her reading skills are unbelievable and her writing is great too. I love reading the stories that she makes up and looking at the pictures she draws to go along with them. Maddie is such an amazing little girl and she really carries the wisdom of someoe much older than she is.
Maverick 3 Years and 3 Months
Well, this boy just keeps getting bigger and bigger! He now officially weighs more than his sister (we knew it would happen sooner or later). We get asked all the time now how old our twins are. People are shocked to hear that they are two years apart!

Maverick is having a great time in school and having lots of fun with old and new friends. His favorite activity at school is painting on the easel and he gets very sad when he can't bring his picture home right away. Maverick is a joy to be around and I am loving watching him grow in to his very own personality. We are looking forward to the fall around here and all that it entails.
Madelyn 5 Years and 7 Months
Our Madelyn! I thank God every day for this little angel He sent us. I can't praise my baby girl enough! It seems that whatever she trys, she succeeds at. The kids have been in a running club over the summer and fall and Madelyn consitently finished in the top 5 of over 40 runners (boys and girls almost all of which were older than her). Just this last week in her final race, she WON!! Madelyn was so proud of herself and couldn't wait to get home and tell daddy! Madelyn is also great at gymnastics and the strength and grace that she has never ceases to amaze me.

Madelyn is still doing great in first grade and we are looking forward to getting her report card next week. She continues to be a great reader and she impresses me more and more each day.

Right now all that is on Maddie's mind are Halloween and her mommy's birthday! I don't know which one she is more excited about!
Maverick 3 Years and 4 Months
Oh, our son. He has really been living up to his name these days. Maverick tends to test the boundaries and rules in this house each and every day. If he wasn't so cute, he would probably get in a lot more trouble!

Maverick loves his new preschool and gets excited to see his new friends and teachers. Mav is so smart. He knows all his shapes, numbers, letters and colors. We are so proud of him.

Mav has really been enjoying his new soccer/basketball class. He enjoys being able to kick the balls. He also likes his music and movement class, he is a hoot when he is dancing around and singing.
Maverick 3 Years and 5 Months
What a fun month we had around here. Lots of Halloween parties, trick or treating and just all around fun. I think we have enough candy to last us a year! Maverick had a good time dressing up as a bat. It was so cute, whenever anyone would ask what he was he would take his hood off and say "It's just me, Maverick!". It was hilarious!!

Maverick continues to enjoy school, tumbling and swimming. We recently joined the local gym so Mav has been able to spend quality time with daddy and Madelyn in the pool. Maverick is starting to get really excited for Christmas and seems to want EVERYTHING he sees on TV! WOW!!
Madelyn 5 Years and 8 Months
Oh wow! Six is just around the corner, where did the time go?? Madelyn had excellent marks on her report card and got to go to Golden Corral (her favorite place to eat) to celebrate. Madelyn had a great time this Halloween with all the parties and trick or treating, I fear this will be that last year that I get to pick her costume! I had a great time being her room mother and I look forward to all the other functions that I am able to attend.

Maddie just learned to play her first song on the piano and we are SO proud of her. We have also been bowling as a family every Monday night and the kids have a lot of fun with that. I won't mention that the girls always beat the boys! Oops, I just did! We are looking forward to building some new family traditions this holiday season.
Maverick 3 Years and 7 Months
Welcome to the new year! Mav was very ready to be back at school after the long Christmas break! The first week back to school Maverick had pajama day, he was so excited to wear his jammies to school! My handsome buddy continues to grow big and strong each day and he is getting to be such a big boy.
Maverick 3 Years and 8 Months
Oh my big boy! We had Maverick allergy tested last month. That wasn't fun at all! He got poked with about 40 needles on his back...he didn't react to any! So we have NO idea what caused his rash and swelling back in November, but we are glad that he doesn't have any allergies!

Maverick loves to go to AWANA now and learn about Jesus...either that or they have really good snacks!! We can't wait for the summer so Maverick can play T-ball for the first time!
Madelyn 5 Years and 9 Months
The school year is flying by already! Maddie is really enjoying school, but she is also looking forward to the Holiday vacation. We are going to spend some time in Indiana with David's family and she is super excited about that!

Madelyn has been doing so great in school, we are so proud of her! I am now teaching her piano lessons....we'll have to wait and see how that goes! Not much to report this month, but I bet there will be a lot after Christmas.
Maverick 3 Years and 10 Months
Maverick is such a joy to be around, you can't help but smile when you are with him. Mav is so much like his daddy in so many different ways....they like the same music, love their movies, like the same clothes and so much more! It is funny to watch the two of them together, it is like mini me!

Maverick is pretty excited that he gets to play t-ball this summer and David is excited to get to be his coach!
Madelyn 5 Years and 11 Months
6 is just around the corner! Madelyn gets her calendar out EVERY day now to cross of the day and count how many days until her birthday! We are planning on having a slumber party on her birthday with the girls from her class, then a roller skating party the next day with family! Busy girl!

Madelyn is still enjoying all of her activities; piano, tumbling, AWANA, Good News, Girl Scouts. bowling and more! So much fun for one little girl. We are really looking forward to winter being over, it is taking its toll on all of us!
Maverick 3 Years and 9 Months
4 is around the corner! Maverick is such a joy to be around and I look forward to playing with him every day! Maverick loves going to preschool two days a week and has met lots of great friends. Mav's favorite thing to do during the week is going to AWANA. He talks about AWANA all day on Wednesdays!

We are looking forward to the summer and all the fun that goes with it!
Madelyn 6 Years Old
She's 6!!!! YAY!!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Madelyn's birthday. We started out on Thursday night by giving Madelyn her Wii! She was so excited, and we all had fun playing it that night. Friday, Madelyn celebrated at school with cupcakes and goodie bags! That night we had a party with 10 girls (7 of which spent the night). We had so much fun at the slumber party!! The girls had pizza, cake and icecream, popcorn and a movie and lots of playing! Way too much fun!!

Madelyn is excited to be 6, and she is also excited for the warmer weather. We have been able to play outside quite a bit lately, she even skipped school one day to go to the St. Patrick's Day parade! We are looking forward to summer now!
Madelyn 6 Years and 1 Month
Just when I thought it wasn't possible to be more proud of my little girl, she surprises me again! Madelyn was given a reading assessment and she reads at a middle of third grade level!! My pretty little girl is so smart!

Madelyn is pretty excited right now because she has her first loose tooth....she has been waiting quite a long time for this. We are looking forward to nicer weather and being able to play outside every day.
Maverick 4 Years Old
My baby boy is 4, I can hardly believe it! Maverick had is birthday party at the "sprinkler park" here in Washington again this year. Mav had lots of friends show up and he got some really great gifts. David and I got Maverick the bike he had been asking for... a bigger Spiderman bike. Mav was super excited!

Maverick has been having lots of fun this summer swimming, playing tennis and having lots of playdates with friends!
Maverick 4 Years and 1 Month
Summer is passing too quickly and soon my little boy will be in his last year of preschool. Where has the time gone? Wasn't he born just yesterday?

Maverick has been having lots of fun this summer playing with his friends and having lots of fun activities. One big exciting event for the summer is that Maverick is FINALLY potty trained! YAY
Madelyn 6 Years and 2 Months
Well, First grade is almost over. The kids are all counting the days til Summer begins.....the moms are counting the days til school starts back up again!! LOL

Madelyn started T-ball last weekend and was super excited when she was able to hit the ball that was pitched to her instead of using the tee!

Maddie and I recently went on a fieldtrip with her class to Camp Tapawingo in Metamora. It was a great day, we hiked, had pond exploration and a hayrack ride. Everyone would have been proud of me and Madelyn, we caught tadpoles!

Today I received a very exciting phone call. Madelyn entered a letter writing contest at our gym, the theme was "Why my mom is so special". Maddie won 3rd place!!! She and I will have our picture together in the paper and her letter and drawing are posted on the billboard at our gym! We are so proud of our baby girl!

Maddie is really looking forward to the summer, she is all signed up for Girl Scout Camp. That's right, my baby girl picked a camp where she will be staying Sunday-Friday! ALL WEEK LONG! She is just a baby, right?? She is super excited and that is all she has been talking about lately. I will keep you posted on how David and I do!
Madelyn 6 Years and 3 Months
My baby girl is at her first overnight camp right now. 5 nights at camp!! Madelyn was so excited to go, Maverick, David and I were not excited at all!

Madelyn is having lots of fun already this summer! Lots of playdates with friends, swimming with daddy, tennis lessons and more! We are looking forward to lots more fun this summer.
Madelyn 6 Years and 4 Months
Well, Maddie survived camp! She said that she had fun but that she didn't want to go next year. So, we will see when next year comes what she decides.

Madelyn has had a fun summer playing sports, attending VBS, playing with friends and LOTS of swimming! School starts soon and I can't believe that she is going to be in 2nd grade!
Maverick 3 Years and 11 Months
Oh Chubs! Man this little boy has quite the personality. Last night Mav had his Spring program at his preschool. Maverick really knew how to ham it up on stage. He sang, he danced, he stole the show. David and I had a lot of people come up to us after the show and tell us that Maverick has a future on Broadway....I think they may be right!

Mav started T-ball last week and he is having so much fun. It is great to watch him be part of team and really enjoy himself. What a crack up to watch him hit the ball and stand there, forgetting that he is supposed to run to first base. Or when the other team hits the ball and ALL the kids go running for it, no matter where the ball is hit.

We are looking forward to a super fun Summer filled with many new adventures and activities.
Madelyn 6 Years and 6 Months
Half way to 7!! I can't believe it! My baby girl started 2nd grade and is doing awesome! So far she has perfect spelling and straight A's in every other subject! We couldn't be more proud of her!

Maddie is doing great at her new school and has been making tons of friends. Sis really is a social butterfly just like her daddy!
Maverick 5 Years and 1 Month
What a super fun summer we are having! We had a great trip to Florida and Maverick REALLY enjoyed Disney this year. Mav LOVED riding all the big roller coasters, but his favorite ride was the dinosaur ride. Mav got to play in the ocean for the first time on this trip and he thought that was SUPER cool!
Maverick 4 Years and 3 Months
Well, school is back in session and Maverick is doing great in Pre-K. Maverick is always bringing home lots of art projects and loves to have them hanging up all over the house!

Maverick talks every day about who he is going to invite to his birthday party and where it is going to be at...then I have to keep reminding him that his Birthday isn't until June!! What a funny little boy!
Madelyn 6 Years and 7 Months
WOW! My daughter is becoming such a young lady! Maddie is now very particular about what she wears from head to toe!! Madelyn is doing great in school and making straight A's. Maddie loves school and actually is disappointed when she finds out that there isn't school that day! She is her daddys girl!
Maverick 4 Years and 5 months
Bubs is a piece of work this kid! Smart, funny, loving, silly, loves to dance and sing and all around a great little boy! He has made some real strides in the last 60 days in his behavior, coloring ability, minding manners, eating real vegetables and independence. We are very proud of him!
Madelyn 6 years and 9 Months
Sis loves her new kitten, Mozely. He is super cute and a sweet cat! She is doing fantastic in school and loves the new tradition I've started, which is Norman Family Movie Night at our house. We invite a bunch of friends (mostly kids) over and have pizza and watch movies and usually have a slumber party! We usually have about 10 kids with about half spending the night. It's fun! Maddie is ready for Christmas too!
Maverick 4 Years and 8 Months
Not much has changed in the life of Maverick. Mav still enjoys going to preschool and playing with his friends. Maverick has been taking a soccer and basketball class which he really seems to enjoy.

Just a little tip for you....don't play Wii with Maverick, he will beat you!
Maverick 4 Years and 4 Months
Maverick is so much fun to be around! This little man has the ability to light up the room and be the center of attention.

Maverick is doing great in preschool and really enjoys going. Mav has been able to go on lots of fieldtrips and even gets to ride on a little bus for some of them! Maverick gets really excited to hear that he gets to ride the bus!

Looking forward to the holidays and all that they entail.
Madelyn 6 Years and 8 months
Maddie Rue is quite the superstar! Smart as a whip, sweet as can be, polite, thoughtful, artistic, athletic, creative, fun. It's impossible to be more proud! Her teacher wrote on her report card she was a great role model for the students! What a compliment! Her and Bubs are really starting to play together so much better and we are so proud of them! Sis has some great new friends at school and weare so proud of her ability to pick and make good friends. What a great kid!
Maverick 4 years and 6 Months
Let me tell you, this guy is beefin up!! He has been fighting a really bad cough for quite some time and they have him on some steroids, which I hate to give to him, but he has packed on the pounds that's for sure! He is super excited for Christmas and is enjoying his Holiday break from school. We have lots of fun stuff planned!
Maverick 4 Years and 7 Months
Christmas is over and a new year has begun. We had a great holiday season and Maverick got some great presents from Santa and family. We had so much fun over the Christmas break...lots of swimming, time at Chuck-E-Cheese, Wii playing, movie time and more. Mav really enjoys Friday night movie night and loves having his friends over.
Madelyn 6 Years and 10 Months
A new year and we are so close to Madelyn's 7th birthday. SEVEN! Where has all the time gone? Maddie has been brainstorming her birthday party, she can't quite decide what she wants to do. David and I are just letting her go with whatever she decides, she will have fun no matter what they do. Madelyn still has a perfect record for spelling at school, not one word missed, EVER! We are excited for the new year and all the things to come.
Madelyn 6 Years and 11 Months
Super duper smart!! Maddie got student of the month this month and she STILL has 100% for her spelling. Report cards came out again this month and Madelyn has straight A's once again. We are s proud of our baby girl!

Madelyn had her very first piano recital this month, she was nervous but she did great! We are looking forward to her birthday next month.
Maverick 4 Years and 9 Months
We are inching closer and closer to FIVE! WOW!!

A couple weeks ago David and I went to Kindergarten orientation...yes you read that, kindergarten! I can't believe that in August I will be putting my baby boy on the bus (with me following behind) and sending him off to school!

Maverick is super excited about starting soccer in a couple weeks and we are excited about him burning off some of his extra energy! We can't wait for the nicer weather to come so we can all get outside...we have cabin fever for sure!
Madelyn 7 Years and 1 Month
Time is going so fast! School is almost over, softball is getting ready to start...where has it all gone?

Maddie is still really enjoying 2nd grade and is always playing with the great circle of friends that she has made. We are so proud of her!
Maverick 4 Years and 11 Months
Maverick just had his screening for kindergarten adn they said that he did AWESOME! He is so excited to get to go to the same school as his sister and ride the bus too!!

Preschool is winding down for the year and I know that Maverick will really miss his friends. We are planning to have an early birthday party for him so that they can all be there!
Madelyn 7 Years Old
I can't believe she is 7! Not sure where the time has gone but it sure did go fast!

Maddie had a wonderful birthday. She started celebrating the week before with a party at Grandma Susie's house (David's moms). Maddie had the cutest kitty cake and got an easy bake oven, cute earrings, money and a walmart gift card. The friday before her birthday she celebrated at my parent's house where she got to see her cousins and got some more great presents.

On her birthday (I had to work that morning), David took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese which is a Saturday tradition, to the zoo and then home. Maddie and David decorated the house while I ran Maverick to Grandma Vicky's for an overnight. Maddie and I finished prepping for her slumber party and got everything all set up.

Maddie had a great slumber party and all the girls had fun!!
Maverick 5 Years Old
Big boy!!!!! Maverick had a great birthday at the sprinkler park. Mav was surrounded by lots of friends and family. Maverick was super excited to turn 5 because that meant that he got to get new bedroom furniture.
Madelyn 7 Years and 2 Months
Maddie is having a great summer so far! Maddie has been playing with friends, playing softball and just having tons of fun all around!
Madelyn 7 Years and 4 Months
Maddie is having an awesome summer! We had a great trip to Florida...Maddie loved riding all the rides at Disney. Madelyn also really enjoyed going to the beach..she learned to jump the waves. I think her favorite part of the trip was going to Cracker Barrell 3 times :)
Madelyn 7 Years and 4 Months
Well, the summer is ending and the new school year is beginning. Last weekend Madelyn and I (along with a couple friends) rode the train to Chicago and went to the American Girl store. We had such and AMAZING time and it was awesome to really connect with my baby girl. Maddie is really excited for the start of 3rd grade and getting back in to the swing of school. Can't wait to see what this year holds for her.
Madelyn 7 years and 6 Months
Halfway to 8! Maddie has now been told the truth...there is no tooth fairy :( I was very sad when David told me that she asked and that he told her the truth. I would really like to keep her little for a lot longer!!

Maddie is doing great in 3rd grade, her spelling and her math skills are amazing! We are so proud of Maddie in school and out. Madelyn is so polite, well behaved and a great friend!
Maverick 5 Years and 2 Months
I can't believe our baby boy starts kindergarten tomorrow! We just found out last week that Maverick made it in to a class called transitional first (T-1). This class is for kids that tested well above average in their kindergarten screening and need more of a scholastic challenge than other kindergarteners. We are sooo proud of Maverick! Mav is really excited to get to ride the bus with his sister and to eat lunch at school :) The end of summer is just around the corner, it has been amazing!
Maverick 5 Years and 6 Months
We had an amazing Christmas with lots of celebrations. Maverick was super excited to get his DS! Mav did an awesome job in his Christmas play, he was the sarcastic elf. He said all his lines and had a great time doing it!

We are looking forward to the new year and all it has in store for us!
Madelyn 7 Years and 8 Months
What a great Christmas we had! Maddie no longer believes in Santa Clause which is a little sad and a little relieving all at once! She does think she should be able to tell Maverick......we say no! Maddie loved getting her Nintendo DS for Christmas and we were glad that Santa didn't get all the credit!

Maddie had to switch teacher over Christmas break but has adjusted really well and we are super proud of her!
Maverick 6 Years Old!
He's a big boy now!! Maverick had a wonderful birthday with THREE parties! He had his party with his friends at his favorite park here in Washington, the "sprinkler park". The weather was a little overcast but the kids still had a great time. Maverick had a lot of friends there and received some really nice gifts. He also had a party with Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Dale and then one with Grandma Susie and Papi. What a lucky kid!

Maverick is having a great summer, filled with fun days with daddy, madelyn and friends. He is such an awesome kid to be around!
Madelyn 7 Years and 10 Months
Wow, 8 is coming so fast! Maddie has been planning her birthday party and I believe she has decided on a slumber party with complete makeovers. Sounds like a lot of work for mommy but WELL worth it!

Maddie is doing great in school, all A's on her report card. We are so proud of her! Madelyn is still hoping for a baby sister, we will find out close to her birthday what we are having. I hope she gets her birthday wish :)
Maverick 5 Years and 5 Months
Maverick is doing awesome in school! My handsome and spirited little boy does have a little trouble with talking to much and talking when he isn't supposed to, but look who his parents are! The boy didn't stand a chance!

Mav is in the top reading group in his class and we are so proud of him!! Maverick is now even reading books during his free time at school, what a dedicated little boy.

Mav had a great time on Halloween dressed as Mario from Super Mario Brothers (his favorite game). He super loved it when people called him Mario as this is what he wants to change his name to :)
Maverick 5 Years and 3 Months
We are so proud of Maverick! Mav is in advanced kindergarten (transitional first) and he is in the top of his class!! Mav is now able to read books to us using his sight words and sounding out the words he doesn't know :)

Mav is definitely our son since he has been getting in a littlle trouble at school for talking too much...he comes by it naturally!

The kids are really looking forward to Halloween and picking out what their costumes will be. Can't wait!
Madelyn 7 Years and 7 Months
Fall is here! Maddie is still loving school and is still super duper smart! Sissy is so social and has TONS of friends! It seems like every night of the week she has somewhere to be or someone is coming over here. We are so proud of Madelyn and all of her accomplishments!
Madelyn 7 Years and 8 Months
Halloween has passed and now we are on to Thanksgiving and Christmas! Maddie had a great time on Halloween dressed up as SuperGirl! Madelyn sported her Paris Hilton hair extensions with style and loved having long hair :)

Maddie is still doing awesome in school and has made a lot of great friends. Maddie is excelling in piano and it is a joy to hear her practicing her music and enjoying herself.
Maverick 5 Years and 4 Months
Summer is over, fall is here! Mav is doing awesome in school and we are so proud of him. We are blown away by how great he can read (top reading group in his class!! Maverick is making lots of friends at school and has been having a great time hanging out with them.
Madelyn 7 Years and 10 Months
Wow, 8 is coming so fast! Maddie has been planning her birthday party and I believe she has decided on a slumber party with complete makeovers. Sounds like a lot of work for mommy but WELL worth it!

Maddie is doing great in school, all A's on her report card. We are so proud of her! Madelyn is still hoping for a baby sister, we will find out close to her birthday what we are having. I hope she gets her birthday wish :)
Maverick 5 Years and 7 Months
He earned piano lessons!! It only took him about 3 months to do it :)

Maverick is loving taking lessons and practices every day. Mav is doing great in school, loves reading and his behavior has really improved.
Madelyn 7 Years and 11 Months
The party invitations have been sent! Maddie invited 17 girls for a slumber party/pamper party. Mommy will be super busy that night doing hair and nails on lots of little girls!
Madelyn is so sweet, anytime anyone asks her what she wants for her birthday she always replies with "I already have everything I need." I love that girl!!
Maverick 5 Years and 8 Months
Mav is now taking bets that the baby will be a boy. He is dead set on it!

Maverick is doing awesome in school and can read like nobodies business! I love walking in to his room and finding him reading a book. So awesome! Mav is looking forward to warmer weather when he can play outside and we are excited that he will be able to burn off all this energy!
Maverick 5 Years and 9 Months
Maverick is so excited that he is going to have a baby brother! We let him read the "it's a boy" on the ultrasound picture. He was reading and said "it's! I'm going to have a little brother!" Then he ran up and gave his daddy a big hug and said "daddy, the baby has a weenus". Gotta love his enthusiasm!
Maverick is still doing great in school but is also looking forward to summer! Soccer and baseball are starting soon!!
Maverick 5 Years and 10 Months
Whew!! This boy needs some warmer weather so that he can get outside and play! Maverick is doing really well in school...except for the excessive talking. We all know where he gets that from!

Mav is loving life and has great friends to play with. Mav also can't wait for his baby brother to come :)
Madelyn 8 Years Old!
She is eight!! SO hard to believe! The day of her party we found out that the baby is a boy. Maddie was so excited and couldn't wait to tell all of her friends. We ended up with 16 girls at the party and 12 that spent the night! It was exhausting but super fun too! We did hair and nails (even David polished some). Maddie had a lot of fun and got a lot of very nice gifts!
Madelyn had a great time celebrating her birthday over about 2 weeks. She had a party with the Norman's, went to see Madagascar live, had her party with friends and then her party with the Ehringer's. Lots of partying for one little girl!
Madelyn 8 Years and 1 Month
We are ready for Spring! Madelyn continues to do well in school and got straight A's once again!! I don't think it would be possible for us to be more proud of her. Maddie continues to do well in piano and will have another recital in May, I am happy for this since I had the flu during her last recital.

Maddie is looking forward to meeting her baby brother!
Madelyn 8 Years and 2 Months
Since when are 8 year olds teenagers? We have a teenager attitude in and 8 year old's body!! No really, other than a bit of a smart mouth and picking on her brother, Madelyn is great kid! Maddie has started soccer and softball this month and is SUPER busy. She is great at both sports and really seems to enjoy herself.
Spring is finally here and Maddie has been spending lots of time outside. Almost time to bust out the sprinkler and squirt guns! Can't wait for our busy Summer to begin :)
Maverick 5 Years and 11 Months
Almost 6! WOW!! I love watching Maverick change and grow each and every day. He is such a warm and gentle boy and I am so proud of him. Maverick is enjoying playing soccer and t-ball...except for all the running in soccer :)

We are just beginning to plan his birthday party, I think it will be a big one as Mav has LOTS of friends!
Madelyn 8 Years and 3 Months
We have an awesome softball player on our hands! Maddie is amazing! She is a great hitter and fielder and we are super proud of her! Madelyn is so much like her dad though, if she gets out at the base, she is TICKED OFF!!

Maddie is having a great summer so far and has been spending lots of time with friends, her brother and her daddy. I am so super proud of the young lady that she is becoming. She is such a wonderful girl!
Maverick 6 Years and 1 Month
Maverick is still having a wonderful Summer! This month Mav went from being the baby of the family to being the big brother! Mav is a great big brother and doesn't want Makinnon to cry for even a second...very cute!

Maverick has been swimming almost every day, bowling and enjoying vacation bible school. We are looking forward to the rest of the Summer and another trip to Branson, MO.
Madelyn 8 Years and 4 Months
Madelyn is a big sister again! Maddie is so great with Makinnon, she loves to hold him and they snuggle in bed EVERY morning!! So cute!

Maddie had a great softball season and really was one of the best players on the team..she has a future in the game for sure! Maddie has had a great Summer so far filled with lots of swimming, bowling, playing with friends and vacation bible school. We can't wait to spend the rest of the Summer together and end it with another trip to Branson, MO.
Makinnon 1 Month
What a blessing this little man is! Mak is the best baby in the world and he fits in so perfect to our family. Mak lets you know what he likes and doesn't, but other than that he is a go with the flow kinda guy!

Right now we are dealing with a pretty bad rash/burn on his bum but we are working super hard to get it fixed :(
Makinnon Ehrin Norman
Makinnon Ehrin Norman was born July 7, 2011 @ 8:26am. Mak weighed in at 8lbs 6.9oz and was 19.5 inches long.

Makinnon is a beautiful and perfectly healthy little boy. He fits right in to our family and is such a blessing. Mak has been getting lots of love and attention from his big brother and sister!
Madelyn 8 Years and 7 Months
Maddie is doing great in school and making some wonderful new friends. Fall activities are in full swing; bowling, piano, awana and girl scouts! This girl is SUPER busy and loving every second of it.
Some days I look at Maddie and can't believe the young lady she is turning in to. Gone are the pigtails and we are on to feathers in the hair and lipgloss!!! She is such and wonderful daughter and we are so proud of her!
Maverick 6 Years and 2 Months
1st grader!! So proud of this big boy!! Maverick is doing really well in school and is making some new friends. He is super excited for Cub Scouts to start!
Piano, Awana and bowling league started already so we are going to be super busy!
Madelyn 8 Years and 6 Months
4th grade has started!! Madelyn has her first male teacher this year and she is still adjusting to the concept! Maddie is at a different school this year (one that she went to for 1st grade) and she is loving being back. She has some old friends there and is making some new ones as well.
Piano started this week and Awana starts next week, so does bowling league. let the fun begin!
Maverick 6 Years and 3 Months
Mav is doing so great in 1st grade, he is in the top reading group in his class. We are so proud! Grandpa Dale gave Maverick an incentive to good behavior, if he can make it until Halloween without getting in any trouble he gets $50 to spend at Toys R Us...I have a feeling Grandpa will be a little poorer in October ;)
Maverick is enjoying piano lessons, bowling league, AWANA and is hoping to start Cub Scouts soon. We are looking forward to lots of fall activities.
Madelyn 8 Years and 7 Months
Maddie is doing awesome in school, straight A's again! She is still doing great in Piano and moved up another level!

Madelyn is in a bowling league and is currently in first place in her tournament, if she continues that then she will move on to place in State! WOW!!! We are ordering her a bowling ball this week, she is super excited.

Maddie decided to be Luigi (from Super Mario Bros) for Halloween, Maverick is Mario. It is super funny to see them dressed up together. I love it!
Makinnon 2 Months
Where did the 2 months go?! Makinnon has started smiling and it is the cutest thing in the world!! Mak loves to takes walks in the stroller and always falls asleep..makes for a great way for mommy to get some exercise!
Mak's bum is all cleared up!! It took mommy removing dairy from her diet but it was worth it!
Madelyn 8 Years and 9 Months
We had such a wonderful Christmas! Maddie was super excited to get the telescope that she asked for...she had to hunt around the house to find it. Next month is the state finals for bowling and Madelyn qualified! We are super proud of her!!
We went to Branson between Thanksgiving and Christmas and it was such a great time. Tons of Christmas lights and everything was decorated so nice. Maddie was excited to get to ride the rides and we even went to an indoor water park. These kids sure do get to have lots of fun!
Maverick 6 Years and 5 Months
Mav is doing great in school still and continues to make us laugh every single day. I love that Mav has such a care free spirit and that he really loves to make other people happy. He is such a sweet and happy little boy!
Madelyn 8 Years and 8 Months
Maddie is still doing great! She continues to be an amazing big sister to Makinnon (and a pretty good one to Maverick too). We are so proud of her!
Makinnon 3 Months
Mak is growing and changing so much! He is now cooing and babbling and it is super adorable :)

Makinnon is on the verge of rolling over, he gets half way and just can't quite make it...maybe it is because of his chub! We are looking forward to Halloween and taking Mak out for his first real trick-or-treating experience (mommy and daddy get to keep his candy).

Mak is such a wonderful addition to our family, can't believe what we did without him!
Makinnon 4 Months
Mak had his 4th month appointment at the pediatrician yesterday (Nov 18), he weighs 15 pounds 6 ounces! Totally within the normal ranges for a 4 month old baby! So everyone can back off calling him chubby! haha!
Makinnon is changing each and every day, he loves to talk and smiles all the time. Mornings are a precious time, I love seeing his smiling face first thing every morning. Maddie likes to snuggle in bed with him when she first wakes up precious!
Maverick 6 Years and 4 Months
Mav is doing pretty darn good in school, he hasn't missed a spelling word yet! Maverick is super awesome at making friends, I love going places with him and hearing "hey Maverick!, what's up Maverick etc." He is super popular :)

Mav decided to dress up as Mario again this year for Halloween, his big sister is going as Luigi. Love seeing them dress up together.

Maverick is doing great in piano and he just moved up a level! He is having lots of fun in bowling league and is doing great too!
Maverick 6 Years and 6 Months
Half way to SEVEN years old! Mav is getting to be such a big boy! Maverick is doing great in school and not getting in trouble near as often....he takes after his dad and tends to talk a lot in class :)
Maverick had a great Christmas and Santa brought him lots of things from his list. We had quite a few Christmas celebrations and Mav enjoyed each and every one.
We went to Branson in early Decemeber, the kids had so much fun. Mav was excited to get to ride rides at Silver Dollar City, and we even went to an indoor water park. TONS of fun!!
Maverick 6 Years and 7 Months
Mav is doing great in school...lots of smiley faces and not a lot of frowny ones!! Maverick is on of the top readers in his class, we are so proud!
Maverick is still doing great in piano lessons and he is always good about practicing his songs.
This month we went to Fun City in Iowa. Mav had tons of fun at the water park, riding go-carts and playing in the arcade. what a lucky kid!
Maverick 6 Years and 9 Months
We went to Fun City again this month. I bet Maverick would swim and play video games every single day of his life if we let him! He had a BLAST!! Mav is already talking about what kind of party he wants to have for his birthday. I think he is finally done with the sprinkler park :(
Mav is still doing great in school! He tried out Tae Kwon Do but it just wasn't for him....maybe we will try again in a few months.
Makinnon 5 Months
Mak is doing so awesome!! He is the happiest baby and we feel blesssed to have him every day. Chunky boy is rolling over a lot and sure has found his voice! He babbles all the time and also makes very loud grunting noises. Very funny!!
Madelyn 8 Years and 11 Months
Madelyn is such a WONDERFUL big sister! I can always count on her to help me with the baby or sit by him in the van. Makinnon LOVES her and always has big smiles when he sees her.
Maddie is doing great in Tae Kwon Do and she get to take her color test next month...she can't wait to NOT be a white belt anymore!
Makinnon 8 Months
Mak started pulling himself up on toys and the coffee table this month. It is getting harder and harder to keep him down! So far we have been successful and he hasn't bonked his head...not sure how much longer we can keep it up!
Mak is a great eater and loves his fruits and veggies...well, he HATES baby food green beans. He loves real bananas, real peas and green beans and even likes black beans.
I am amazed every single day with how much he has changed our lives. I wonder what we did without him :)
Makinnon 6 Months
What a blessing Makinnon is to have in our family! Mak now rolls both ways with ease and is so fun to watch while he plays on the floor. Just last week Mak started saying "dada" it is adorable! Yesterday it totally sounded like he said "hi, dada". I love that each and every day Makinnon wakes up with a smile on his face.
Makinnon 7 Months
Well he is crawling all over the place now! So super fun to watch him. David has installed the gates at the top of the stairs and also to keep Mak in the living room. I haven't got around to having the kids child-proof their bedrooms...may be a loosing battle there!
Mak is such a wonderful baby and I love listening to him babble all the time. He is sure to let you know when he wants something or when you are doing something that he DOES NOT want to do!
Madelyn 9 Years and 1 Month
Maddie got straight A's once again on her report card. We are soooo proud of her! Last month she had a couple bowling tournaments, in one she scored a 187! Can you believe that? I don't think I can even bowl 100!
Madelyn is looking forward to the Summer and having LOTS of free time.
Maverick 6 Years and 8 Months
Maverick has been doing AWESOME in school!! He is great at reading and math and his behavior has been pretty darn good too. Mav is still enjoying boy scouts, piano lessons and bowling and we are super proud of him.
I love watching Mav play with his baby brother and can't wait to see what their relationship is like when the get older.
Madelyn 8 Years and 10 Months
Maddie started Tae Kwon Do this month and she really seems to enjoy it. I still sit and can't believe that my daughter is almost 9 years old. It seems like yesterday that David put her in my arms for the first time. Time sure flies when you are having fun!!
Madelyn is doing great in school and we are super proud of her. Maddie's State finals tournament for bowling is at the end of this excited!
Madelyn 9 Years Old
Maddie had a great birthday party at the roller skating rink. She had tons of fun with her friends and got some great gifts too. We had about 8 girls spend the night and everyone got along great.
We went to dinner at Bob Evans and then to Grandpa Dales for cake and icecream. I think Maddie was pleased with her gifts, she gets harder and harder to shop for.
Madelyn is has a bowling tournament in a couple weeks...State Finals!! We are so proud of her!
Maverick 6 Years and 10 Months
Mav is doing super awesome! We took another trip to Branson and Mav had a great time riding rides. I love Maverick's fun personality and his gentle spirit.
Mav is doing great in school and his behavior sure has improved. I can't believe he is almost 7!
Makinnon 9 Months
I can't believe how big Mak is getting and how much personality he has. We tried and tried to limit what he ate....but he is such a begger!! Daddy has introduced him to milkshakes, popsicles and much more.
Mak has started holding on to the table and chairs and walking around. It is such a hoot!! I don't think it will be long before he is walking.
Maverick 6 Years and 11 Months
Last month for my baby boy to be 6!! First grade ends this week and I just can't believe how quickly these years seem to be flying by! Maverick started "real baseball" this month and he seems to be doing really well.
Mav is looking forward to Summer and all the fun things we are planning. Lots of trips to Branson, baseball, swimming, playing outside with friends and SO MUCH MORE!!
Madelyn 9 Years and 2 Months
Softball has started and Maddie was chosen to be one of the pitchers for her team. This little girl just never ceases to amaze me. It seems that everything our daughter touches turns to gold. I just can't wait to see what the future holds for her, I know that she can achieve everything she sets her mind to.
School ends this week and we are planning a super fun packed Summer!
Makinnon 10 Months
Mak now stands all by himself!! Won't be long before he is walking. Time with him is going by so fast! Makinnon now says mama, dada, kitty, dog, no no, hi and just today he said "mak". SO CUTE!!!

Makinnon LOVES to go swimming so we are gonna be fish at the pool this Summer. We are headed to Branson as soon as the "big kids" are out of school. Water park here we come!
Maverick 7 Years and 1 Month
Hard to believe the Summer is half over, feels like it just started! Maverick has been having a great time playing with friends and relaxing at home. We have taken many trips to Grandma Susie's house and a couple trips to Branson. What a lucky kid!

Maverick tells me several times a week that he is ready to go back to school, he says school is fun. Well buddy, 2nd grade starts in a few weeks!
Maverick 7 Years and 8 Months
Mav is still doing great in school and we are so proud! Mav's been in a little basketball training class this month and he really seems to enjoy it. We are starting the countdown to Disney already!
Madelyn 9 years and 4 Months
We are SUPER proud of Madelyn! Maddie's softball team one the championship! It was a nerve wracking game, but Maddie played great!

We are helping Maddie's coach form a new travel softball team in our town. Maddie is excited to be able to play on a travel team and improve her skills.

Madelyn had a great time at girl scout camp this year. It was pretty warm, but not has bad as last year! She made great friends and got to do a lot of crafts...her dream come true :)
Madelyn 9 Years and 3 Months
Maddie is having a great Summer so far. Softball is going great, her team is still undefeated :)
Madelyn is loving playing with her friends in our subdivision and seems to be gone more than she is home. I remember those days from my childhood, I think I came home to eat and that was it!
Madelyn was able to participate in a softball came and she was excited to learn to bunt and slide!
We are having an awesome Summer and looking forward to spending the rest of it all together as a family.
Makinnon 1 Year and 6 Months
Christmas with Makinnon was SO much fun. I think Mak had more fun throwing away the wrapping paper than he did opening his gifts. Very funny to watch.

Over Christmas break we went to a waterpark in Wisconsin Dells...Mak loved playing in the water!

Just after the new year we had quite a scare. Makinnon had to be hospitalized for three days due to dehydration from Rotavirus. Very scary to watch your baby so sick and lifeless and know that there just isn't anything you can do. Luckily he made a full recovery and is back to his spunky self.
Maverick 7 Years and 6 Months
We had a great time celebrating Maverick's half birthday. Dinner at Chili's and a little gift for Mav...just what he wanted. Maverick continues to do great in school and is really excelling in piano lessons.

Found out last week that Mav doesn't believe in Santa anymore...sad!!! My little boy is growing up so fast. We will see how long he is able to keep the secret from his little brother :)
Maverick 7 Years and 4 Months
Maverick is doing GREAT in schools. He got all A's and 1 B on his midterm report card. We are so proud!

We recently eliminated all food dyes of out Mav's diet and it has made such a change in him. Better grades, no trouble at school and he is able to focus and follow directions. We are so happy for the changes we see in him. The best part is that he can feel a difference in himself.

Maverick has been enjoying playing with his friends in the neighborhood and riding their scooters down the "big hill". Mav is looking forward to Christmas and adds new things to his list everyday. So funny!
Maverick 7 Years and 2 Months
Two days until my little boy is in 2nd grade! Time has flown by so fast, I wish I could make it go in slow motion. Maverick is such a great big brother to Makinnon and I love watching the two of the together. Mak and Mav have started wrestling on the floor and "rough housing' so cute!
Maverick is so excited to go to school and see all his friends!
Makinnon 11 Months
And he walks!! It started with a few steps and then a couple days later he was full on walking. Makinnon is so cute to watch toddle around the house and go exploring.
Mak has been really "talking" up a storm here lately and I can't wait until I can actually understand what he is saying.
I have started filling out his birthday invitations and still find it hard to believe he is almost ONE!
Maverick 7 Years Old
He is SEVEN! WOW!!! Mav had a great birthday party at the sprinkler park with his friends and some family members. He was very excited to get his new bike and his Nintendo DSiXl (he had been really wanting both). Mav also got to have a birthday party at Grandma Susie's house and got some nice gifts there too.
Maverick lost 3 teeth this week! He looks so cute missing 3 teeth right in front...I really need to post a picture!
We are having a great Summer already, 2 trips to Branson, visting Grandma Susie, a couple local festivals and VBS. Looking forward to the rest of the Summer!
Makinnon 1 Year Old
I can't believe our baby boy is ONE!! Makinnon had lots of parties and got lots of great presents. He was so funny to watch try and open his gifts...he had to have some help!

Makinnon is really trying to talk a lot now and is now longer walking. He is RUNNING! Everywhere he goes he is in full speed.

Mak is a crack up to watch, whenever he hears any type of music he has to stop and dance. He is so cute! He even dances in his car seat!
Makinnon 1 Year and 4 Months
Another month gone by and our baby is getting so big! Mak cracks us up with all of his jabbering. I wish we could understand more of what he is saying. Makinnon is so funny because he always yells "hi" when someone walks in the room. SO cute!!

Makinnon just got 2 more teeth this month...he has been a little crabby.

Looking forward to watching Mak open all his presents this year. Should be lots of fun!
Madelyn 9 Years and 5 Months
It's official, Madelyn is a Washington Bandit. We are excited to get to watch Maddie play softball this year.
In two days Madelyn is going to start 5th grade. The years really have flown by and it just doesn't seem possible that my baby girl is 9 years old and a 5th grader. Maddie is becoming such a great big sister and is always helping out with the baby. We are so proud of her!
Makinnon 1 Year and 1 Month
Mak has been so funny these days! If you ask him for a kiss he always says "nope". No and nope are his favorite words these days. I am really enjoying watching Makinnon learn to work all of his toys and try and repeat what people are doing.
Mak has such a great personality and is always so happy. Makinnon has such a big smile and it can light up the entire room. He is such a blessing!
Makinnon 1 Year and 2 Months
Makinnon continues to crack us up every day. He is always busy and always trying to talk about something. Mak has been enjoying his early morning walks with mommy, daddy and big brother Maverick. Mak gets to sit back in the stroller and eat snacks while we do all the work.

Maverick 7 Years and 5 Months
Maverick is still doing AWESOME in school!! Straight A student now :)

I had a great parent-teacher conference last month and I couldn't be a more proud mama. Maverick has been very busy making his Christmas list...I think this is our last year that he will believe in Santa :(

Next week we will be spending some time in Branson and
Maverick 7 Years and 3 Months
Maverick is doing great in 2nd grade! We are dealing with the normal 7 year old boy things like....lack of focus, trouble following directions etc. but all in all Mav is a great kid!

Maverick is in bowling league again and is no longer using bumpers...he is NOT excited about that! LOL!

We are looking forward to cooler weather and bonfires in the backyard. Bring on the marshmallows :)
Madelyn 9 Years and 11 Months
Maddie is getting very excited for her birthday and is busy trying to plan where she will have her party. Daddy has been really busy with getting our restaurant ready to open so we have been "holding down the fort" at home without him.
Makinnon 1 Year and 3 Months
Mak is growing up so quick! 22 pounds already and doing so many new things. Makinnon loves to throw the ball and chase after it, bounce on his new zebra toy and "read" books. Mak also LOVES to re-organize all of my kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Very frustrating but you can't stay mad at him...he is too darn cute!
Makinnon is talking up a storm, but we can only understand about 1 word in his entire ramble! Can't wait to see what the future has in store for this little man.
Madelyn 9 Years and 6 Months
Half way to 10!! Maddie is doing great in softball, her positions are short stop and pitcher. We couldn't be more proud!

Madelyn is doing great in 5th grade and seems to have homework every night. We are still working on how to get everything done in a weeks time. Maddie is a very busy kid! Maddie is in girl scouts, bowling league, softball, piano, band and AWANA!

Madelyn 9 Years and 7 Months
Maddie is doing great in school! All A's on her report card, we are so proud. Madelyn is still enjoying softball and has even been able to play in a few games this fall. The team is new so they aren't winning but they sure are catching on quick!

Maddie got to ride on a firetruck for the Homecoming parade and she thought that was REALLY neat!

We are so proud of Madelyn and all of her accomplishments. If this kid wants to do something you can be sure she will succeed at it!
Madelyn 9 Years and 8 Months
Where is this year going? I can't believe it is almost the Holiday season. Maddie has been making her Christmas list for quite some time...although she doesn't believe in Santa anymore.

We are going to Branson next week while the kids are on Fall break. Looking forward to spending time at Silver Dollar City and then coming back for our BIG family dinner. Can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings for us :)
Makinnon 1 Year and 5 Months
8 more teeth coming in right now!! Holy smokes!

Makinnon is sooo funny these days. He likes to throw his toys and say "I dropped"....uh no you didn't buddy, you threw it! He says lots of new words these days and it is really fun listening to him talk.

We have figured out that Makinnon knows EXACTLY what we are saying when we talk to him. You can ask him to go get you something and he will hop up and race in the other room to get it. So cute!

Looking forward to Christmas next week and spending time together as a family.
Maverick 7 Years and 7 Months
Maverick did a WONDERFUL job in his Christmas program. I love watching him sing, he really gets in to the music.

Mav had a great Christmas...mommy is a little sad because he no longer believes in Santa :( We did a quick overnight to Wisconsin Dells and Maverick LOVED the waterpark we went to. Tons of water slides and Mav's favorite...the lazy river. I think he rode the lazy river like 20 times LOL.

Maverick is pretty excited because he starts a little basketball class this week. Should be fun!
Madelyn 9 Years and 9 Months
Madelyn had her first band concert this month and she did a GREAT job! After the concert was over Maddie, a friend of hers and their teacher played jingle bells on the xylophone. I was a proud mama!!

Maddie is still doing great in school but is really looking forward to the 2 weeks off for Christmas break. We aren't doing much traveling this year, just a quick overnight trip to Wisconsin Dells.

Can't wait to see what the next year brings!
Madelyn 9 Years and 10 Months
Maddie had a great Christmas this year and I *think* she got most everything on her list!! Over break we visited with lots of family and friends. We also went to a waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. Madelyn LOVED all the big water slides. She is definitely a brave little girl!

Madelyn is looking forward to her 10th birthday and is already starting to plan her party :)
Makinnon 1 Year and 9 Months
Mak is healthy again and we are so happy!! I don't think there is anything worse than when your little one is sick. Makinnon loves to color with crayons now and wants everyone around him to join in. Very cute!
Maverick 7 Years and 9 Months
Maverick is continuing to have a great school year and we are still so proud of him. Mav really enjoys playing with his friends in the neighborhood and loves to try and go play as soon as the bus drops him off after school.
Maverick did a great job at his piano recital, so proud! It takes a lot of courage to play an instrument in front of a crowd of strangers :)
Maverick 7 Years and 10 Months
Mav just keeps growing and growing and is quickly passing up his big sister!

Maverick is looking forward to Summer break and can't wait to be able to play with all of his friends. Hard to believe he will be in 3rd grade next year.

Maverick is an awesome big brother and plays with Makinnon every single morning before he goes to school. They love their time together.
Maverick 7 Years and 10 Months
One more month til he is 8 years old! Mav is busy planning his "friends party" and trying to decide where he wants to have it.

Mav is growing up so quick and is such a well behaved young man. I am so proud of the little boy that he is :)
Makinnon 1 Year and 8 Months
Mak is really starting to talk a lot! Some of his favorites are
He loves to hide things under covers and say "where is it?" "it's hiding" so cute!!
It is hard to believe that pretty soon Makinnon will be 2, I still look at him as our little baby. Soon we will have a little baby and Mak will look like a big boy. Wow!
Makinnon 1 Year and 9 Months
Poor Mak had another quick hospital visit this month. Poor buddy caught another stomach virus and was dehydrated again. An IV with a couple bags of fluids and he was good to go home again.

Mak is healthy again and such a spirited little boy. Mak brings joy to this house each and every single day!
Madelyn 10 Years Old
Can't believe she is 10!! Where has the time gone? Maddie had a great birthday! It started on that Saturday with a roller skating party with her friends. On Monday we had birthday dinner and fried ice cream at our new restaurant Casa de Fuega. On her actual birthday she took donuts to school, got Subway for lunch, Golden Corral for dinner and then to Grandpa Dale's for cake.
Maddie is so happy to be 10 :) Very cute!
Madelyn 10 Years and 1 Month
Maddie is doing great in school and enjoying the remainder of her 5th grade year. Mom and dad are having a hard time keeping up with her social calendar these days!

Madelyn has really started to pitch in quite a bit around the house and is a big helper with her brother Makinnon. Maddie has pretty much taken over bath time with him...very sweet.

We are looking forward to Summer break and can't wait for it to get here!
Makinnon 1 Year and 10 Months
Mak is talking up a storm these days!! It seems like overnight it turned from babbling to actual speaking!
We just found out last week that Makinnon is going to have a baby brother ;) I can't wait for these two to be playmates...they will forever have each other!
Makinnon 2 Years and 1 Month
We have had a great Summer! Makinnon LOVES to play outside, swinging is his favorite thing to do. Mak is funny because when he is wanting to head outside he will run and get his shoes...he won't quit until you take him out to play!
Mak's vocabulary has really taken off and he now can get his point across. He isn't always the easiest to understand, but you can usually figure out what he is trying to say.
Just a few short weeks until my baby becomes a BIG BROTHER! I still can't believe it!! Can't wait to see their relationship blossom.
Makinnon 2 Years Old
Can't believe he is 2 already! We celebrated with a trip to Branson with the whole Norman family. We had tons of fun and Mak really liked playing with his cousins.
Makinnon is really talking up a storm lately and his personality is really coming out. Mak is so spunky and fun to be around, he sure lights up any room!
Madelyn 10 Years and 2 Months
Maddie has had quite the busy month this month. Lots of softball practices and games and MANY programs at school. Madelyn did amazing at her 5th grade band concert and I was proud to watch her play the drums that were WAY bigger than she is! Madelyn had an awards ceremony at school and received Academic proud!

Looking forward to a busy Summer spending time with the 3 babies I have right now!
Madelyn 10 Years and 2 Months
Maddie is doing AWESOME in softball and it is so fun to watch her play. Who would have thought that a daughter of mine would be an awesome pitcher and ENJOY sliding in to home plate!

Can't wait for Summer break..not looking forward to having a 6th grader though!
Malakai 1 Month
Malakai is doing great and fits right in to our family! In just a short month Kai has gained over 2 pounds and grown 2 inches!

All the kids really love their baby brother and have been very helpful. Makinnon loves to pat his head and says "he's so nice".

Can't believe he has been here a month already!
Malakai Ridings Norman
Malakai arrived on August 30, 2013 at 5:52pm. Kai weighted 7lbs5oz and was 19 inches long. Malakai came out crying and VERY healthy! He is a gorgeous baby and looks a lot like his big brother Maverick.

We are so blessed by this tiny little man! What a great addition to our family :)
Makinnon 1 Year and 10 Months
Mak sure is talking up a storm now! He loves to eat peanut butter sandwiches and cookies :)

We have been going to the zoo at least once a week since the weather has been nice. Makinnon really likes the tigers and the giraffes. The other animals I try to show him he says "no. no animals", really meaning "hey mom, these are boring...move on"

Looking forward to the Summer and the kids being out of school. Makinnon is going to love having them around all the time!
Maverick 7 Years and 11 Months
ONE MORE MONTH!!! Maverick can't wait for his birthday and loves to tell us everyday what he wants for a present. Mav is continuing to do great in school and recently got straight A's on his report card.

Maverick had his piano recital last week and did a great job! He even got a trophy for his dedication to practicing! So proud!!

Mav is looking forward to all the fun we get to have this Summer
Makinnon 1 Year and 11 Months
One more month and he will be the big TWO!! Mak is talking up a storm and it is very cute when daddy walks in the house Mak says "Hi my daddy". Makinnon LOVES to play outside and is really enjoying his new play set that daddy got him.
We are looking forward to the rest of the Summer and another trip to Branson. We also can't wait for Mak to be a BIG BROTHER!!
Madelyn 10 Years and 8 Months
Straight A's on her report card! We are such proud parents!!
Maddie is doing great in school, band, piano and everything else ;)
We had a fun weekend tournament for her travel softball team, it was fun to watch her play again.
Maddie had fun for Halloween. She dressed up as a cheerleader and went trick-or-treating with her friends (she is growing up too fast).
Looking forward to the Holiday season with these crazy kids!
Madelyn 10 Years and 6 Months
1/2 way to ELEVEN!!

Maddie is doing great in 6th grade. Making good grades and we are super proud! The season is almost over for the school softball team, sadly Maddie wasn't able to participate too much as she injured her shoulder at the beginning of the season. She is looking forward to beginning to practice with her new travel team!
Madelyn is such a great big sister and huge help to us with the little boys! We are blessed to have her as a daughter.
Madelyn 10 Years and 3 Months
Maddie finished out 5th grade with STRAIGHT A's!! Wahoo!!! So proud of her :)
Madelyn has been doing a great job in travel softball and has really improved in the field and at bat. I love to watch her pitch and I really LOVE watching her slide in to home plate.
Maddie is looking forward to three things this Summer; Branson with her cousins, Taylor Swift concert and her new baby brother ;)
Maddie 10 Years and 4 Months
Summer is in full swing and we have been so busy with travel softball. Maddie has been playing great, starting ever game and has become an amazing batter! I love sitting and watching her play. This girl can steal bases like nobody's business!
We had a great time in Branson with the whole Norman family. Maddie really enjoyed hanging out with her cousins and spending time with her grandparents.
Can't wait to spend the rest of the Summer with these kids!
Makinnon 3 Years Old
Woohoo!!!! He's 3! We celebrated for about a week and Makinnon loved it! He loved telling everyone it was almost his birthday and he was going to be 3 years old. So cute!

We had a party at the house and then a little party at McDonald's (his current favorite place).

We love this spunky little blue eyed boy so much and can't wait for him to ride all the rides in Branson!
Maverick 8 Years Old
The big EIGHT!! Maverick partied pretty much the entire month of June! He started with an early party with his friends, the went to Branson, back for a party with Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Dale and finished up with a party with Grandma Susie and Papi. What a lucky kid!!
Maverick has been playing outside a TON this Summer and is really enjoying having water balloon fights with the kids in the neighborhood.
We will be going to Branson at least one more time before the Summer is up, Mav always loves to go. He is super excited because he was FINALLY tall enough for the big roller coaster AND they built a new roller coaster and he was able to ride that one too. What a fun time!
Maverick 8 Years and 1 Month
Branson was a lot of fun! Maverick had a great time hanging out with his cousins, playing at the water park and of course riding rides at Silver Dollar City. Seems we have a lot of years left in Missouri ;)
Maverick has had a great Summer! You can always count on him to be hanging out with his friends in the neighborhood, coming up with some new invention, catching butterflies or hanging out playing video games.
Can't wait for the rest of the Summer and spending time with all my kids!
Maverick 8 Years and 2 Months
Well, Summer is drawing to an end. We have had an awesome time and have been able to spend TONS of time together. Maverick has been having a great time playing with friends, going to baseball and basketball camp and just hanging out.
Third grade starts next week and I am going to miss having Maverick around the house. Mav is such a great big brother to Makinnon and I know Mak will be sad when he isn't here all day.
Madelyn 10 Years and 9 Months
On 11.17.13 an E4 Tornado tore through our town of Washington, IL. Madelyn worked hard to make her friends happy and try and forget their worries while they were here at our home.

Thanksgiving was great and Maddie had lots of fun with her cousins!

Looking forward to Christmas!
Makinnon 2 Years and 2 Months
Mak is now a big brother and is doing AMAZING!! I was so worried about how Makinnon would adjust to mommy being gone for the weekend and then this new little person joining our family. We had no need to worry, he didn't miss me for one second and he is so in love with his baby brother!
Mak started "preschool" last week and he LOVES it. He walks right in with daddy and runs over to play with toys. No tears for this boy! Potty training has begun and so far so good!
Madelyn 10 Years and 5 Months
Well, Summer is quickly coming to an end. It seems that this one flew buy faster than any before. Madelyn tried out for 3 softball teams and made them all!! Maddie has started playing for her school team and she will also play for the Washington Cobras 10U travel softball team. I am so proud of her. Maddie has a drive and dedication that is rarely seen in someone her age. She is so passionate and I love it!
David took the big kids to see the Taylor Swift concert over the weekend...something I know none of them will ever forget!
6th grade starts next week! I can't believe she is now in junior high! Where did my baby go??
Maverick 8 Years and 3 Months
3rd grade has begun and Maverick is doing great. His teacher said he is super smart...just need to work on his chatter mouth :) Piano lessons are starting up again this week, Boy Scouts last week and basketball next week. We are in full swing!!
Maverick is doing great with his role as BIG brother to Mak and Kai. I can always count on Maverick to help out by playing with Makinnon or helping with chores around the house. What a blessing!
Maverick 8 Years and 4 Months
Maverick is doing awesome in school!! Midterms just came out and Mav has all A's and 1 B!

Basketball practice has begun and tryouts are this weekend. Mav is hoping to make the travel team so that he can get a phone LOL!

Fall is here so the talk of Halloween costumes has begun. Not sure yet what Mav wants to be...he changes him mind all the time!
Makinnon 2 Years and 4 Months
School is still going great! I think we will be moving him up to the next level in January.

We decided to put potty training on hold for now...we just weren't ready :)

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Mak was a dinosaur and it was soooo cute! Party at school, trunk-or-treat and fun! It was cold and rainy for Halloween this year but we braved it and took him out for a bit. So glad we did, he LOVED it! Mak spent the next few days pretending to trick-or-treat at home and sorting his candy :)
Makinnon 2 Years and 3 Months
Mak is still loving school! Still no tears, he just loves going and playing. Mak is still doing great with the baby and he really seems to enjoy being a big brother (and a baby brother too).

We are still working on potty training, we don't push it too hard.

Looking forward to Halloween this year since Mak will really understand what is going on. It is going to be lots of fun!
Madelyn 8 Years and 10 Months
Straight A's on her report card! We are such proud parents!!
Maddie is doing great in school, band, piano and everything else ;)
We had a fun weekend tournament for her travel softball team, it was fun to watch her play again.
Maddie had fun for Halloween. She dressed up as a cheerleader and went trick-or-treating with her friends (she is growing up too fast).
Looking forward to the Holiday season with these crazy kids!
Madelyn 10 Years and 7 Months
Maddie's school softball team made it to the State championship! We were so proud of her for being part of such an amazing team!

School softball has ended and travel softball has begun! It never ends!!

Maddie is doing great in school. Midterm reports came out and she has straight A's. It would be hard to be more proud of this kid!
Maverick 8 Years and 5 Months
Straight A's on his report card! WOOHOO!! Mav is doing great in school and it was AWESOME to hear all the great things his teacher had to say about him.
Mav didn't make the travel basketball team, but he continues to practice so he will play great on his regular bball team. So proud!
Maverick decided to be Sonic the Hedgehog for I searched all over and finally found the costume! It was cold and rainy here for Halloween but that didn't stop Maverick! This was his first year trick-or-treating with friends and not us :( Getting so big!
Maverick 8 Years and 6 Months
Maverick didn't make the travel basketball team BUT he is still doing GREAT in practice!

On 11.17.13 an E4 tornado tore through our town. What a devastating day for many of our friends. We opened our home to anyone without power and watched many kids that first week. Maverick was great at helping keep everyone's spirits up.

We celebrated Mav's 1/2 birthday party with pizza and a chocolate cake! Wahoo!!

Maverick is really looking forward to the holidays!
Makinnon 2 Years and 6 Months
We are 1/2 way to THREE!!!! Makinnon no longer has a paci and is talking up a storm!! Mak is such a funny kid and he is such a joy to be around!
Christmas was a lot of fun. Makinnon really enjoyed opening presents and didn't care too much about what was inside LOL. Mak also liked the job of throwing all the wrapping paper in the recycle bin.
Looking forward to the new year when Mak starts his new preschool class!
Makinnon 2 Years and 5 Months
We have given up on potty-training for now. Makinnon wasn't quite ready and neither was mommy. Maybe sometime soon though!
Mak is still loving school and really enjoys playing with all the kids there. I think we will move him up soon.
Thanksgiving was great! Makinnon LOVED mommy's noodles and mashed potatoes :) Looking forward to Christmas!
Makinnon 2 Years and 7 Months
Mak is still doing great in "school" and loves to go and play with his friends. We have been pleasantly surprised that Mak has slept in his own bed for a couple naps and even once at bedtime! What a big boy he is.
Mak is an awesome big brother and loves to play with Kai. Giving him a younger sibling was definitely the right choice :)
Malakai 3 Months
The giggles and talking have begun!! It takes a lot to get Kai to giggle but he jabbers away all the time!
Kai is a great sleeper and a great nurser:)

We continue on the daily antibiotic until his follow up appointment in February.
Malakai 4 Months
Kai is growing so fast!!! He is in 3/6 month clothes and 6/9 month pajamas!

Malakai is now rolling over and tries to sit up when he is laying down.

We all love to listen to him talk up a storm...ok it is really just babbles but it is so cute!

Kai had the stomach flu this month along with the rest of us (except for David). It was so sad but he handled it like a trooper!
Malakai 2 Months
Kai has started smiling! It is so cute! We love to sit and talk with him and he looks at you with his BIG brown eyes and gives a HUGE smile. So sweet.
Kai continues to grow and is healthy and strong! We did find out this month that he has kidney reflux :( He has to take daily antibiotic to prevent a kidney infection. This is something that will be monitored by his doctor by regular sonograms in hopes that he will grow out of this.
We are so happy to have this baby boy in our family!
Malakai 1 Year and 1 Month
What a happy go lucky baby we have!! Kai puts a smile on everyone's face and is such a sweet baby.
Malakai now says mommy, daddy, ball, no, thank you, cheese and more!

Looking forward to dressing Kai up for Halloween this year :)
Maverick 8 Years and 7 Months
Welcome to 2014!!!

Maverick is still doing great in school. I love to hear all the wonderful things his teacher has to say about him. His teacher LOVES to listen to Mav sing and says he has a great voice...I have to agree.

We had a very nice Christmas this year and Maverick said it was the BEST one ever! That may be because he got an XBOX 360 :)

Maverick is looking forward to school starting up again and getting to see all his friends.
Madelyn 10 Years and 10 Months
Maddie did an amazing job in her Winter concert for band. We are so proud! Maddie continues to do great in school and is really improving with her piano lessons.

We finally got some snow and the kids were able to build and fort and go sledding. TONS OF FUN!!

Christmas was a lot of fun even though Maddie had a touch of the stomach flu. Looking forward to the new year!
Madelyn 10 Years and 11 Months
Oh my, almost to 11!!!!
Maddie got straight A's again on her report card...we are so proud!!
Madelyn has softball 3 times a week right now, volunteers at church, goes to AWANA and still manages to hang with friends and get her homework done. I don't think we could be more proud of the young lady that she is becoming.
Maddie is looking forward to nicer weather and being able to practice softball outside and play with friends!
Malakai 5 Months
Kai is doing amazing!! We went to his urologist for his ultrasound and follow up appointment. The dilation in his kidneys has gone down a little bit which is a good sign. Next appointment is in 3 months.
Kai is rolling all over the place and now gets up on all 4's. Won't be long before this little man is crawling! First tooth made its debut this month!
Maverick 8 Years and 8 Months
Maverick is doing great! Straight A's on his report card again! Mav had his first basketball game and he did great...even scored a basket!
Maverick is such a great big brother to Kai and Mak and we are so proud of him!

Maverick is looking forward to nicer weather and being able to play outside with friends.

Malakai 6 Months
Kai is crawling (well lunging mostly) now and he has two teeth. For now he still is exclusively breastfed but I think some food is in his near future.

Kai is enjoying jumping in the jumperoo these days and is starting to get a little better at riding in the car.

Can't wait for warmer weather when we can all go outside for walks!
Madelyn 11 Years Old
Maddie got straight A's again on her report card! Can't believe how smart she is...definitely smarter than I was at her age!

Madelyn continues to do great at softball and has really been improving in her pitching lessons.

Maddie's birthday party is coming up and we are super's all movie themed and we are gonna rock it out!
Maverick 8 Years and 9 Months
Maverick is still doing great in basketball, we are super proud of him!

Mav enjoys his Lego Club after school and enjoys being able to use his creativity. Piano lessons are starting back up this month...he isn't super thrilled with that!

Maverick has been working hard in AWANA and Boy Scouts so that he can earn all of his achievements. We are very proud of him!
Maverick 8 Years and 10 Months
Basketball is over and baseball is getting ready to begin! Woohoo!!

Mav continues to do great in school and we are super proud of him. We had a great time over Spring Break with a trip to Grandma Susie's and then a trip to Branson. Super fun!

Looking forward to Summer break!
Makinnon 2 Years and 8 Months
What a firecracker this boy is! Makinnon is so spunky and fun but he is also pretty stubborn!

Mak has been having a lot of fun at is school and seems to like going. Just in the last couple months he has started playing WITH the other kids instead of just near them, this has been a fun transition to observe.

Looking forward to warmer weather and being able to play outside!
Malakai 10 Months
8 teeth now!!

Says dada, kitty, mama

Started taking a few steps and it won't be long before he is walking at full speed! Malakai went in a big pool for the first time and he thought that was pretty cool. Kai loved splashing and crawling around in the super shallow area.

We are looking forward to our first family vacation with the 6 of us!
Malakai 7 Months
Well Kai crawls ALL over the place now. Full on crawling! He stands up now too, so fun!!

Kai started eating some fruits and veggies this month. Some days he loves them and some days he could do without.

Madelyn 11 Years and 1 Month
Spring is finally here! Maddie's softball season has begun and we are super pleased with her progress. We are looking forward to watching TONS of games and seeing our girl in action.

Maddie continues to do great in school and gets great grades!

Maddie will soon be taking the Red Cross babysitting course so she can confidently babysit her brothers :)
Maverick 9 Years Old
Maverick did a great job in his first baseball game. He did a great job swinging the bat and stopped a ball in the outfield. Very proud! David has been really working with him in the evenings and we bought him some new equipment for an early birthday present.

Birthday celebrations have begun and will continue for the next couple weeks. We have had to go all out this year for Maverick's GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! WOOHOO!!

Looking forward to Summer break with all these kids!
Makinnon 2 Years and 9 Months
Mak still likes going to his school and we even added in a third day! He loves to go and tell his teachers what he ate for breakfast. So funny!

Warmer weather is upon us and Mak loves getting to play outside. He still loves to swing, slide and jump on the trampoline. We have been taking many walks in the stroller and he likes sitting next to his baby brother.

We are loving watching the relationship form between Kai and Mak, hoping they will be the best of friends!
Malakai 8 Months
Kai is such a happy baby and such a blessing! He started saying dada this month and also says kkkkk for kitty. He loves to look out the door at the kitties!

Malakai is crawling all over the place, pulls himself up on the furniture and stands there. Won't be too long before he is walking.

5 teeth right now and lots more coming it. Doesn't seem possible!
Madelyn 11 Years and 3 Months
School is over and the busy Summer has already begun! Maddie is in softball which takes up quite a bit of time (especially in the evenings) and she has already been hired for a weekly babysitting job.
Maddie informed us last week that she will be saving her money to buy her very own iPad. Love this kid!

Maddie did awesome in track (her first year) and even placed 5th in the 800meter in her 2nd track meet. I don't think she loved it, but she may just sign up again next year.

Looking forward to Summer and spending lots of time together!
Madelyn 11 Years and 2 Months
Maddie is doing great in softball! Love watching her in the field and up to bat. We just bought her a new bat and it has really helped her a lot! Go Cobras!

Maddie is also in track right now and we got to watch her run in her first track meet. She ran the 1600 and 800 and did amazing! So proud of her dedication and commitment. I know I couldn't do it!

Maddie took her Red Cross babysitting course and scored a 100% on her exam. Doesn't matter what this kid does she succeeds! So proud!

Straight A's again for this term. 6th grade is almost over.
Maverick 8 Years and 11 Months
Baseball has begun and Maverick is already making great improvements. He is doing a great job and plays catch with daddy to get extra practice in. Games start in a few weeks and we are excited to watch him.

Mav just got his report card and got straight A's again! We are so proud!
Makinnon 2 Years and 11 Months
The regular school year is over for Makinnon but we decided to keep him in during the Summer since he loves it so much!

Makinnon got to go to our local festival and ride some rides. He LOVED it! We were so surprised since he screamed last year when we tried. Now we are really looking forward to taking him to Branson this Summer.

Makinnon is having LOTS of fun playing in his little pool in the backyard and we can't wait to take him "real" swimming!
Makinnon 2 Years and 10 Months
Big Mak is still loving school and is starting to form friendships there. So cute to watch him run in and say "hi" to his friends and teachers.

Nice weather means lots of time outside. Mak is enjoying the new tot lot that we got last Summer. Soon we will have to add another swing for his baby brother. Very exciting!

Looking forward to Summer break when the big kids will be home. They are big helpers and Makinnon loves to have them around.
Malakai 9 Months
Summer is finally here! So happy to have the warmer weather and to be able to spend time outside. Malakai LOVES to go for walks in the stroller and to swing in the toddler swing outside. If we walk in the backyard we have to plan to push him in the swing for at least 15 minutes.

Malakai 11 Months
Branson was a TON of fun and Kai LOVED to ride the rides! The drive wasn't super fantastic and Malakai was battling seasonal allergies while we were there but we still managed to have some fun.
Can't believe he will be ONE next month!
Makinnon 3 Years and 2 Months
Makinnon started a new preschool this year and so far he likes it! He is adjusting well to the structure of this school versus the play school he was used to. Mak gets to go on his first ever field trip next week and he gets to ride the little bus. He is VERY excited!

Can't wait for Halloween next month, Makinnon asks EVERY SINGLE DAY if it is Halloween and what we are going to wear :)
Maverick 9 Years and 1 Month
Mav has been having lots of fun this Summer. He has formed a great friendship with a boy in the neighborhood and they have been hanging out every day. Love seeing them together and having fun.

Maverick went to boy scout camp for a week and had lots of fun! He got to shoot bb guns, shoot bow and arrows and much more. Tons of fun!!

Looking forward to our big family vacation!
Maverick 9 Years and 2 Months
Branson was a TON of fun!! Maverick got to hang out with one of his best friends a bit and that was an added bonus.

Summer is coming to an end and school is getting ready to start. Can't believe this guy will be in 4th grade!
Makinnon 3 Years an 1 Month
Makinnon LOVED Branson!!!! What a change from last year :) Mak rode ALL the rides that he was big enough for and loved EVERY single second.

Makinnon is having a great time this Summer and LOVES to be outside. Mak has really bonded with daddy and they have become best buds. Very sweet relationship.
Madelyn 11 Years and 6 Months
Maddie is doing great in school and seems to really enjoy 7th grade. School softball is going great and she is a starter on the team!
Maddie is getting straight A's in school again and we are so proud!

Madelyn went to her first school dance already this year. WOW!!! Not sure how daddy felt about that one :) Maddie had a big group of girls spend the night after the dance. LOTS of fun!

Madelyn is also a junior helper at church now and is a great leader for the kids.
Madelyn 11 Yers and 4 Months
Summer is in full swing and Maddie has been very busy! She has been babysitting a little bit and playing a lot of softball. Travel softball just ended and she now has 3 weeks off before tryouts.

Madelyn has been working with her daddy to improve her softball skills in preparation for tryouts. I know she will do great!

Looking forward to our BIG trip to Branson!!
Madelyn 11 Years and 5 Months
Maddie had a GREAT time in Branson. This was the first year we let her bring a friend along and I think that was an added bonus for her.

Maddie made the Washington Cobras 12U travel team and she also made the school softball team again. VERY proud parents!
Maverick 9 Years and 3 Months
Summer is over and school has begun. Maverick has adjusted well and is doing great in school. I'm proud of him!!

Mav is an AWESOME big brother, always wanting to play with the little boys (especially Malakai).

Basketball begins soon and I know Maverick is really looking forward to it!
Malakai One Year Old
Happy Birthday, Kai!! Seems like just yesterday that we welcomed you in to this crazy family!

Along with the happiness of Kai turning one we had extreme loss and sadness in our family. We lost Great-Grandma Willa on August 17. What a precious lady who will be missed by all of us!

Kai had a GREAT birthday party with lots of friends and family! He REALLY enjoyed eating the frosting off his cake too. So fun!
Makinnon 3 Years and 8 Months
We had an AWESOME trip to Florida. Makinnon LOVED all the rides and the shows. Mak loved playing in the ocean and the gulf and hopping the waves. Makinnon really enjoyed getting to spend the week with his cousins and was so sad when we had to leave them at Grandma Susie's house. Looking forward to getting back to our routine at home.
Makinnon 3 Years and 3 Months
Makinnon is LOVING preschool and AWANA. Mak go to go on his very first field trip (to the pumpkin farm) and he had a blast! He got to ride the bus and Grandma Vicky got to chaperone. Very fun!

Makinnon is still looking forward to Halloween and still talks every single day about what his costume will be.
Madelyn 11 Years and 7 Months
Maddie's school softball team made it to Sectionals this year and were so close to making it to State. Very proud of Maddie for being a starter on the team and always putting 100% in to everything she does.

Madelyn marched in the Homecoming Parade with her school band and had a lot of fun! It was fun to watch her and they sounded great too.

First tournament with travel softball is this weekend! Ready to do some cheering!
Maverick 9 Yeras and 4 Months
Maverick is doing great in school and got straight A's on his report card. We are very proud!

Maverick is doing great in his piano lessons and seems to be picking right back up where he left off.

Maverick is looking forward to basketball starting up again soon!
Malakai 1 Year and 2 Months
Kai LOVED getting candy on Halloween!! We went to a trunk-or-treat and had gorgeous weather. I pushed him in the stroller and he held tight to his bucket of candy. Halloween night was way to cold so we only kept Kai out for a couple houses...he got a sucker so that was all he really cared about!
Kai says more new words now. He says hi, bye, ball, kitty, dog, sissy, bite, banana and probably a few more.
Looking forward to the holidays and spending time with family!
Malakai 1 Year and 3 Months
Well we had a very nice Thanksgiving here at our home. We had both sides of our immediate families over and it was nice and low key. Kai got to go Black Friday shopping with mommy and Aunt Gina, he's a great shopping partner!

We are looking forward to Christmas and seeing Kai's eyes light up!
Makinnon 3 Years and 7 Months
The year is going great. Mak is still loving school and getting smarter every day! Makinnon loves to go to church on Sunday and also enjoys AWANA on Wednesday night. We all are going a bit stir crazy with all of the cold weather. Looking forward to VACATION!!
Makinnon 3 Years and 4 Months
School is still going great! First parent/teacher conference was a huge success and the teachers had all GREAT things to say.

Makinnon had lots of fun on Halloween. When he was in costume he would say "I'm not Makinnon, I'm Spiderman", it was so funny!

Looking forward to the holidays and spending LOTS of time with family, Mak loves when his cousins are in town.
Makinnon 3 Years and 5 Months
Mak is still having TONS of fun at school! He had a great Thanksgiving and LOVED having his cousins here to visit.
Mak is really wanting to be independent but struggles with the fact that he is just 3 :)
Madelyn 11 Years and 11 Months
Winter is LONG!!!!! Maddie is looking forward to her birthday next month and I'm pretty sure she has convinced her grandma and grandpa to get her a kitten. Oh boy!! Maddie continues to get great grades and excel at everything she does. What a great kid!
Madelyn 11 Years and 8 Months
School is going great, Maddie got straight A's again. She sure didn't get her brains from me (mom). Madelyn is still enjoying school, softball and hanging out with friends. Piano lessons have started back up and she is really advancing quickly. It's great to hear her practice and be able to tell she is playing songs LOL.

Looking forward to the holiday season and spending time with family. I love having all the kids home!
Madelyn 11 Years and 9 Months
Thanksgiving went great and Maddie had a lot of fun visiting with her cousins. Always nice to have some time off of school and have some down time to relax.
Loving the young lady that Maddie is growing to be!
Looking forward to Christmas!
Maverick 9 Years and 5 Months
Halloween was LOTS of fun this year (and very cold). Maverick dressed up like a Ghostbuster and was excited that everyone knew what his costume was.

Maverick is doing AWESOME in school and is testing far above his grade level. I'm so amazed by the talent this kid has. He is smart, creative and kind....what a great son!

Maverick is looking forward to going to the Dells this weekend and hopefully Branson soon!
Maverick 9 Years and 6 Months
Well Thanksgiving was great! Branson was a bust since Maverick had the flu while he was there...that's never fun!
Maverick did have fun over break though and was able to spend some time with his cousins, he always does enjoy that.
Looking forward to Christmas!
Malakai 1 Year and 7 Months
Well we all had a great time in Florida! Kai LOVED riding the rides and seeing the animals..Kai did NOT love the shows or the lines LOL. Malakai also really liked a sand digging thing at Animal Kingdom, he thought that was pretty cool. Kai thought that beach was just ok, but he LOVED to chase the sea gulls. We were so pleased with how awesome Kai was in the car, hardly any fussing as long as Aunt Gina kept the snacks flowing.
Malakai 1 Year and 4 Months
Kai LOVED Christmas! We ended up having to put a gate around our tree this year because the ornaments were just too enticing!
Kai didn't really care too much about opening the presents but he LOVED stealing everyone's gifts and putting them in nice stacks. So funny!
While the snow on the ground is pretty we are all really wanting warm weather to hurry up! Tired of Winter already.

Kai still talks up a storm and has been saying new words all the time. Kai also stopped taking his pacifier this month, we aren't super thrilled about that :)

Happy New Year! Looking forward to all 2015 has in store for us!
Makinnon 3 Years and 6 Months
Well Christmas was great!! Makinnon had a great time opening gifts and was very sad when his were all done. He ended up opening most of the grown-ups gifts as well LOL. Such a fun time watching the excitement in the eyes of a 3 year old!
We rang in the new year with our cousins...well we rang it in at 9pm hahaha. We also celebrated Mak's 1/2 birthday with lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and then cupcakes that Maddie baked.

Looking forward to a great 2015!
Madelyn 11 Years and 10 Months
Christmas was GREAT!! Maddie was happy with everything she received...especially all the Vera Bradley items. Christmas break was great! Maddie was able to spend a lot of time with her cousins and she really enjoys that!
Report cards came and straight A's again! Love this kid and her determination!!
Can't wait to see what this year has in store! Can't believe she is almost 12 and her 7th grade year is quickly coming to an end.
Maverick 9 Years and 7 Months
Christmas was fantastic!! Maverick was excited that we actually followed his list for once haha. I think his favorite gift was his 12 months of Xbox Live :)
Christmas break was nice, Maverick spent a lot of time with his cousins and grandparents. Mav even rang in the New Year with his cousins this year!
Great grades again on his report card almost all A's, only one B+. Love having these super smart kids!
Basketball practice has started and we are looking forward to games beginning!
Malakai 1 Year and 5 Months
Kai is still doing awesome! Talking quite a bit more and running everyone ragged. We are trying to survive the rest of winter and not go stir crazy!
Malakai 1 Year and 6 Months
Looking forward to our BIG family vacation to DISNEY!! This is going to be so fun! Malakai spent some time in the hospital recently with what we suspect was rotavirus. Kai was so sick but quickly recovered with the help of IV fluids. Such a scary time for all of us!
Maverick 9 Years and 9 Months
Vacation was great!! Maverick had lots of fun at Disney, on the beach and spending time with his cousins. Love having a kiddo that doesn't hardly complain and tries to have fun no matter what he is doing! Can't wait for Summer break!
Maverick 9 Years and 8 Months
Maverick did really great during basketball season and really improved a lot. Mav is still doing really well in school and continues to get great grades and move up in his reading level. Mav has been doing awesome this year with staying out of trouble and we are so proud of him. Looking forward to vacation next month!
Madelyn 12 Years Old
How is she 12??? Maddie had a great party at the Roller Skating rink, she has a great group of friends and they all get along so well.
We had our BIG family vacation this month and it was SO MUCH FUN!! Maddie had a great time with her cousins and a lot of fun at Disney...I think she got to ride all the rides she had on her list. Maddie had a lot of fun playing in the waves on the beach and just spending time with her cousins. Looking forward to softball season!
Maverick 1 Month
It's hard to believe that it has been a month already. Maverick has helped to fill our home with such warmth and love. He really is a blessing to our family. Mav eats well and sleeps well too. We are already looking forward to all of the things that we will be able to do with him in the future. For now we are taking things one day at a time and enjoying being the parents of two wonderful children.
Maverick 2 Months
Maverick is now smiling and doing "baby talk". It is so great to bend down and talk to him and have him give you a big gummy grin!! He already weighs over 11 pounds and is growing like a weed. He eats great and has really become a great sleeper. Mavericks favorite place to sleep is in the sling attached to his mommy! Maverick also really loves to take a bath, especially with his big sister. We can't wait to see what next month has in store.
Maverick 3 Months
Mav loves the tub...not always getting dressed afterwards though!! We took a trip to California to be on the Dr. Phil show again. The trip was great and Maverick was wonderful on the plane. I was tickling him the other day and he laughed out loud for the first time. It was great!! Mav loves to be worn in the sling and would probably stay there 24 hours a day if I let him!! He is such a beautiful boy and we are having a lot of fun with him.
Maverick 4 Months
Do you ever think that your kids are growing up way too fast? That is what we are thinking at our house! Maverick has started jumping in his Johnny Jump Up. What a sight! Mav has started reaching for objects and playing with toys. Car rides are not quite so traumatic anymore and we are thankful for that. Maverick also loves to chew on everything!! We found out that he is teething and we should be seeing his first tooth soon. Mav is weighing in at just under 14 pounds...what a big boy!
Maverick 5 Months
Mav started eating rice cereal this month and he loves it. He tries to grab at the spoon and starts kicking and smiling when he knows it is time for another bite. Maverick is starting to get used to riding in the van since we are in it almost every day! Mav started rolling over and is really wanting to crawl. Mommy and daddy bought him a new Jumperoo and he loves to jump in it and watch sissy's movies.
We can't believe how happy we are to have our two happy and healthy children!
Maverick 6 Months
He has a tooth!! We never thought it was going to happen but yes indeed, he has one pearly white little tooth.

Maverick is doing great!! He is such a happy baby and he laughs all the time. Mav loves to listen to his big sister talk and he loves to watch her play in her jumpy jump. We finally found something to keepy Mav quiet in the van.... kid music. HE LOVES IT!! He now will nap in the van and he doesn't scream from point A to point B. What a joyous occurance!

We are looking forward to spending Christmas with both of the kids and seeing their smiles when they open their gifts.
Maverick 7 Months
He can sit up now! It is so great because now he can sit an play with toys and he and Madelyn can play together.

He also got his second tooth! He really enjoys eating his baby food now and he lets me know when the spoon isn't cming fast enough!

Mav and I are still enjoying our one-on-one time when Sissy is at preschool. We do alot of errand running and grocery shopping during this time!

We are having so much fun with these two kiddos.
Maverick 8 Months
Mav has developed such a personality! He is so much fun! He really can let you know when he wants or needs something (right now he is yelling at me because he wants to take a nap).

Mav's favorite time of the day is bath time. He loves playing with all the toys, chewing on the washcloth and getting his massage afterwards. He is so much fun to watch splash around in the tub with his big sister.

It seems like he was just born yesterday and yet he is already 8 months old. Where does the time go?
Maverick 9 Months
He is now a little swimmer and loving it!! Mav started swim class last week and he is the star of the class, he doesn't even care how cold the water is. He is smiling and laughing the whole time. He is now crawling like a champion too. It is funny to watch him go, he just seems so little to me. We are looking forward to spring so we can all be outside playing and enjoying some much needed fresh air. Mav is loving being a little brother....well most of the time anyway!!
Maverick 10 Months
Well he is settling in to his personality. Mav is very good at letting you know what he wants and what he doesn't want. We have been able to play outside here the last couple days and Maverick loves to swing. He laughs when he is swinging and he laughs when he is watching Maddie swing. It is great.
Maverick 11 Months
He's walking!!! He is finally doing it. He started with a couple of steps and now his is a cruiser! It is great to watch it toddle around the house. Mav loves to go outside and play on the new swing set. I think he is just like his sister, he could swing for hours. The pool is up and running and Mav took his first dip in the chilly water this week.

Maverick has been spending time with Grandma Vicky and he even took a nap for her while his mommy was at the doctor's office. We are so proud of our big boy and can't believe he is going to be a year old soon.
Maverick One Year
What a fun year this has been. It's amazing to really start seeing Maverick's personality shine through lately. We had a wonderful birthday party for Maverick with friends and family. Mav loved his vegan cake...though I'm not sure how much actually made it in his mouth! Mav received many wonderful presents and it was great to be able to share his birthday with people who love him. I can't imagine all of the wonderful memories that are in store for us in the next year, bring it on :)
Maverick 13 Months
Mav loves the water!! He has so much fun swimming in the pool with daddy and his big sister. Mav has been really growing in to his personality and his daddy is becoming his best friend. New words are coming out of his mouth everyday and he loves to say, "uh oh". We really have been having a lot of fun with the kids. Mav rode his first amusement park ride on vacation, we all rode in the family ferris wheel. We can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!!
Maverick 14 Months
He is getting big so fast! I swear I don't remember Madelyn growing up this fast. Mav is talking more and more everyday. Let's try and list everything he says.....

Notice how he doesn't say mom or mommy. Yes that's right, the person who spends the most time with him and he won't say it. I don't get it!!

Maverick will be starting gymnastics in a couple weeks. I am so excited because I get to help him out during class, this will be something fun he and I can do together while his big sister is in school. He really is getting to be such a big boy.
Maverick 15 Months
Well we started our Biddy Buddy gymnastics class two weeks ago. Maverick is the star of the class, and not just in mommy's eyes, everyone says he is awesome. He loves to walk across the balance beam and jump on the trampoline.

Mav got 6 new teeth last month! Boy has he been a pistol. Bubs loves to babble and has started to put words together. He says "papa rocks" because he always gets to play with the rocks at Grandpa Dale's house. He also says "what's that" which sounds more like "wassat". He loves to talk on the phone too!!

My baby boy seems to be growing up so fast :(
Maverick 16 Months
Mav is getting so big and is starting to lose that baby face. It is a good thing but it still makes me a little sad that my baby boy is growing up so fast. Maverick LOVES to go to gymnastics and he is a hoot to watch. He is learning to do front rolls and he even tucks his head under. It is hilarious. Maverick is really starting to speak alot more words and he is such a crack up. I think that he can spot a fish (ish) or a duck (guck) from a mile away. He will begin pointing and calling out their name. So funny. We are looking forward to Halloween and have already been to the Pumpkin Patch to get our pumpkins. Maverick had tons of fun playing in the big sand box and looking at the bunnies!
Maverick 17 Months
What a fun month we had. Maverick finished up his gymnastics class and he had a ball! He starts back up again at the end of Novemeber.

We had a wonderful vacation. We spent time in Tennessee and Florida. In Pigeon Forge Maverick at fun playing at the Nascar Speedpark climbing on the playground indoors. Daddy took the kids for a really long walk so that mommy could get some shopping done....that was wonderful!! We had fun hanging out with friends and eating good meals. Off to Florida!! Maverick was awesome in the van, we were so pleased. In Florida Maverick went to the beach for the first time, he had so much fun playing in the waves. On this trip Maverick was finally able to enjoy DisneyWorld!! He rode rides, played on playgrounds, watched shows and watched fireworks. What more could a kids ask for? On the way back home we spent time at Maverick's great-grandparent's home in Tennessee. We had a lot of fun taking the kids to a brand new Chuck-E-Cheese, it was great!

We had so much fun but it was really great to come home.
Maverick 18 Months
One and a half!! Where has the time gone? Maverick is really enjoying his swim lessons...he seems to have more fun when Daddy takes him though. Mav still really enjoys gymnastics with Miss Dawn and he is getting pretty good at listening to the directions and being patient.

We are looking forward to Christmas as this will be a fun one with the kids. Maverick was still to little to enjoy it last year so it will be really fun to watch him open his gifts this year! We are looking forward to what the new year has to offer.
Maverick 19 Months
What a BIG boy! Maverick's vocabulary is really taking off. He loves to do and say everything that his big sister does. Thanks to Howie, one of Mav's favorite phrases is "Where's Sissy?" Mav is back in gymnastics and loving it. He jumps all the time even if it really looks more like a gallop!

We rang in the new year at home with family and friends. We ate, we played and laughed...and everyone was home and in bed by 10pm!! That's my kind of New Year party! We are looking forward to all the joys of 2007.
Maverick 20 Months
You wouldn't believe the vocabulary on this kid! He is so funny. Mav's favorite activity right now is gymnastics. He loves to see Ms. Dawn (or muh don as he calls her). He is the star of the class with his jumping and galloping! Everyone is always amazed because he can identify all the shapes and almost all the colors.

I can't believe that Maverick's 2nd birthday is coming up so quick. I feel like it was just yesterday that David went running around his mom's house when we found out I was pregnant!! Oh the good times we have had as a family. We are looking forward to creating so many more memories in the months and years to come.
Maverick 21 Months
What a little man! I have been having so much fun with this little guy. He really is my little friend, we spend all our time togethe, playing, running errands, sleeping, well you get the point.

Maverick still really loves gymnastics and looks forward to seeing Miss Dawn every week. We have been able to play outside the past few days and Maverick really enjoys drawing chalk, swinging and going for walks. I love seeing all the changes in him and watching him grow and explore. What a fun time in his life!
Maverick 22 Months
We took a great family trip to Branson and Memphis at the beginning of April. We had a lot of fun but the weather could have cooperated a little more!!

We celebrated Easter over at Grandma and Grandpa Ehringer's and the kids had a lot of fun hunting Easter eggs indoors!! We had a great meal and a great visit.

Maverick is still loving swim and gymnastics and has been enjoying going to these classes with Daddy! He finally says Mommy!!! I have wanted him to say it for so long and now I kind of wish he would stop. No I don't!!

We have had a few days of warm weather and Mav has really enjoyed playing on the two playgrounds in the backyard. What a fun summer this is going to be.

Maverick 23 Months
Oh my!! My baby boy is going to be 2 years old next month. I can't believe how the time flies when you have kids, everybody tells you that but you never really understand what they are saying until you have kids of your own. It is true, it feels like yesterday that David was running around his mom's house with the positive pregnancy test!! What a great day for all of us.

Maverick is really enjoying his time outdoors now that the nice weather has arrived. Mav loves to ride on his car and take wagon rides to get the mail with daddy and Madelyn. Maverick also loves to play in the backyard on the playgrounds and with the t-ball set!! It is so great to watch Mav and David playing and having their boy time, they are so great together!

Maverick starts his first preschool experience next month and we are really excited to see how it goes.
Maverick 2 Years Old
He's two!! I can't believe it! Last week Maverick participated in his first gymnastics show. It was such a hoot to watch, but he loved it. We got our pool pass and have been swimming every day possible.

Maverick had a lot of fun at his party! He really liked all of his presents but I think his favorite part was the cake and icecream! I still can't believe that our baby is two years old. It really feels like just yesterday that we mad the LONG drive home from the hospital with him.

Today was Maverick's first day at preschool and he had a lot of fun. I was really worried that I was going to get a phone call telling me to come and pick him up early. That was not the case, I picked him up on time and was told that he had fun the whole time. I am so proud of him!!
Maverick 2 Years and 1 Month
He's still loving school! He asks every day if he gets to go and play with his friends. It is very sweet. He runs right in to the classroom and starts playing with his toys. I love when I pick him up because he says, "MOMMY" and comes running towards me. There is nothing better than that!

Maverick LOVES to swim and he really loves it when Daddy gets to come to the pool. Daddy gets in just like one of the kids and starts playing (he doesn't even care that there is only 2 feet of water in the pool!). All the kids in the pool flock towards David and they all have fun for hours!

Maverick is growing up so fast but not fast enough for him. He longs to do the things that his sister gets to do. Most of all he wants to play T-ball and be able to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa. Those things are just around the corner!
Maverick 2 Years and 3 Months
He is loving his first "real" preschool experience. Maverick goes to school two mornings for 2 and a half hours. He is always so excited to go and really excited when I pick him up!!

Maverick and I have been enjoying the weather and we try and take a walk and go to the park everyday. Daddy and Maverick have also been getting a lot closer and they love to build blocks together!!

I can't believe how big Maverick is getting. It is so funny for me to look at him because he is built so different than Madelyn. I know he is a boy but he is just so stocky and it cracks me up! We are looking forward to Halloween as this will be the first one that Maverick will actually know what is going on!
Maverick 2 Years and 2 Months
Well the summer is drawing to an end. Maverick had a great time in his school this summer and will be heading off to a new school in September. I think that he will really like this school because a lot of his friends will be there. We have had so much fun this summer! Maverick has really been enjoying the pool and he loves to float around with his arm floaties.

I love listening to the kids talk to each other when the are playing. It is great to watch the bond that they have together already. Maverick loves to say "hey, watch this" or "wook at me" and "tada" is one of his favorites.

Maverick has really been enjoying sneaking in to Daddy's office and getting in to the gum and the special stickers (stamps). We are going to have to do some rearranging in there!! Weaning seems to be in the near future for me and Maverick and while I am excited about him gaining more independence, I am also sad that he won't be my "baby" anymore. He really is getting to be a big boy!
Maverick 2 Years and 4 Months
Well Halloween is just around the corner and Maverick is ready (eventhough he has no idea what will happen). We bought his a Zebra costume as they are one of his favorite animals. He cracks me up when he is wearing it because he insists that he is not Maverick, he is a Zebra!!

Maverick is loving school and gets so excited to see his teacher Miss Laura. We are looking forward to this fall and all of the fun things that we get to do with both of the kids. Maverick is at the age right now where he is so much fun and really enjoys learning and trying new things.
June of 2002, what a wonderful month! I found out on June 24 that I was expecting a baby. David was in Los Angeles visiting friends, so I decided to wait and tell him in person. He was going to be home on June 28, his birthday. What a long 4 days that was. I picked him up from the airport in Chicago and I thought I was going to burst with excitement. I had his presents all wrapped up for him and told him that he had to open them in the car. He was driving, so I opened them for him. The first present was some Superman sun visors...nothing too spectacular. The next was a pregnancy test on top of some baby clothes and a bib that says "I love my daddy". He was a little shocked, but really excited. He immediately got on the phone and called his family and friends. It was a really wonderful day and I am pretty sure that it was David's best birthday present.
March 6, 2003
Labor began at around 11:00 pm on Tuesday March 4, 2003. I waited until around 5:00 the next morning to wake David up and tell him I thought it was time to go to the hospital. We both showered and headed to Proctor thinking that the next time we came home it would be with our beautiful baby girl. We were wrong. About 2 hours later we were sent back home to wait until labor progressed a little bit more. Vicky came over to help pass the time. Everyone was very supportive and willing to do anything to help me through this painful experience. 12 hours later we went back (David had to go to Long John Silvers on the way there). Well, to save you all of the details, labor lasted 38 hours!! Finally the doctors decided that a C-section was the only way that Miss Madelyn was going to be able to come in to this world. At 1:27 pm on March 6, we heard the most beautiful sound in the whole world. Through our tears we could see a gorgeous baby girl with dark brown hair, greenish-brown eyes, and a cute little squished face. We had never seen anything or anyone that was more perfect than her. 8 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. What a big girl! Our daughter was finally here, months of hard work and anticipation had finally paid off!
On Saturday March 8 after spending less than 48 hours in the hospital, we brought our bundle of joy home. I think that was the longest car ride of our entire lives. It's funny how you notice every little thing that all of the other drivers are doing wrong when you have such precious cargo in the backseat! Waiting for us when we got home were Papa Dick, Grandma Vicky, Aunt Joely, Colin and all of our kitties. When we walked through the door, our house immediately felt like a home.
Madelyn 1 Month
On March 20 she weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long. She's growing already! It's amazing to us how strong she is. Maddie can hold her head up for long periods of time, and can turn her head from side to side. She eats and sleeps great and is only fussy around dinner time.
On April 7 we took her to the chiropractor for the first time. He said she was perfect, and then he showed us a technique to help relieve gas pressure for her tummy. It worked like a charm because as soon as he moved his fingers, she filled her diaper!!
Madelyn 2 Months
On May 13 she weighed 11 pounds 6 ounces and was 22 3/4 inches long. She is already growing out of her clothes (some before she ever gets a chance to wear them). Daddy says that she is a very noisy eater at night. She tends to kick him in the ribs while he is trying to sleep.
On May 20 she rolled over for the first time. Mommy missed it, but Daddy was there to tell me all of the details. Madelyn smiles all the time and is always gabbing about something.
Madelyn 3 Months
13 pounds 6 ounces. She wears 3-6 months clothes now. She is pretty messy when she eats from a bottle. She does baby push ups on the floor and can hold her head up for a long period of time. We went to see Uncle Patrick in Chicago in the beginning of June. He was so excited to finally get to meet Maddie.
On June 20 we tried feeding her rice cereal for the first time. It didn't go over too well.
On June 21 she got her first tooth!!!
Madelyn 4 Months
13 pounds 14 1/2 ounces and 25 inches long. She eats rice cereal every morning for breakfast and has now started on vegetables. Sweet potatoes seem to be her favorite. Maddie can now roll over from her back to her tummy and from her tummy to her back. Maddie loves to watch Baby Einstein videos. Her favorite is Neighborhood Animals.
July 1 she got her second tooth.
July 2 we went to St. Louis to see Lance, Nicole and Mikaila.
July 3 we went to the St. Louis zoo.
July 8 she laughed out loud for the first time. What a beautiful sound!
July 14 she started crawling.
July 17 she started drinking from a sippy cup.
July 23 she ate her first fruit.
Madelyn 5 Months
Maddie weighs around 14 1/2 pounds and is getting really "tall". She is really starting to crawl like a big girl. We take her to the movies with us, but I think that is going to have to come to an end soon as she tends to talk through the whole film. Maddie loves the sound that potatoe chip bags make and tends to steal them away from anyone she can eventhough she doesn't get to eat them of couse!
July 10 we went to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago for David's company picnic. Madelyn really enjoyed seeing all of the animals. We took Papa Dick, Grandma Susie and Ethan with us. Ethan's favorite animal was the elephant, so we spent a lot of time by their exhibit.
Aug 21 she sat up for the first time.
Aug 23 we went swimming for the first time. Madelyn loves the water.
Aug Maddie and daddy took their first shower together. She loved it. She was so peaceful that she almost fell asleep in his arms.
Madelyn 6 Months
15 pounds 5 1/4 ounces and 26 inches long. Her hair is finally starting to fill in! We are working on getting her to fall asleep by herself but I think that it is a losing battle. She loves to bounce in her johnny jump up. She is able to figure out how her toys work after only being shown once.
September 3 she stood alone.
September 10 another tooth.
September 13 first swim lesson. Maddie is officially a guppie.
September 17 she said her first word. Dada of course.
September 24 yet another tooth.
September 25 she said Mama.
Madelyn 7 Months
Madelyn is really starting to look like her daddy! We went on a family outing to an apple orchard and had fun picking out our pumpkins for Halloween. We all went camping for the first time on October 18 with Papa Dick, Grandma Susie and Ethan. It was fun but it was really cold! Madelyn has started eating finger foods and she thinks it's fun to squish them between her fingers. We had our first Halloween as a family. Maddie dressed up as Pooh's Hunny Pot and went trick-or-treating with her cousin Ethan. It was so much fun!
Madelyn 8 Months
She now has 8 teeth. There's nothing better in the whole world than when she gives you one of her big tooth grins. She has started feeding herself with a spoon and it is quite a messy experience. She can climb the stairs now and can also get off the couch by herself. We took a trip to California for Thanksgiving and went to see Patrick, Deanna and Alyssa. On the plane ride from Chicago to San Diego David proposed. It was a magical trip. I won't go into the whole story but it couldn't have been more perfect. David had the ring in one hand and Madelyn in the other. It was great to share this special moment with her. While in California we went to the Wild Animal park, to the zoo and walked through a very big park. We took Maddie to the beach for the first time, and she thought it was fun to play in the sand.
Madelyn 9 Months
We have started eating together as one big happy family. Maddie tends to want what the adults are having so she has started eating raw carrots and celery. She has learned to shake her head no and has learned the word don't since our trip to California. She is now in the phase where it is fun to kiss everything...her toys, the floor, the tv--but especially the kitties. She has starting walking all by herself. It is great to watch her go.
Christmas was wonderful this year. Maddie had fun opening her presents. She had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and bows. We were able to spend Christmas with family and friends and that made it even more special.
Madelyn 10 Months
16 pounds 29 inches tall. It's hard to believe how big she is. She doesn't nap all that much and sometimes that makes for a long day! Maddie walks great and I think that the cats wish she didn't sometimes. David remodeled the kitchen this month and we all stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Ehringers and at Grandma and Grandpa Normans. It was fun to have a slumber party. Maddie loves to watch Sesame Street in the morning (Elmo is her favorite monster). Madelyn has her own rocking chair in the living room and she sits in it like a princess to watch her movies. She has become a little spoiled lately with the DVD player that daddy put in the car (it does make for easy traveling). One of her favorite toys now are cell phones. She loves to talk to anyone. Her face lights up when she hears someone's voice that she recognizes.
Madelyn 11 Months
Well, it's a new year filled with many new experiences. Madelyn is now walking like a pro! She can practically run when she is chasing her cats around the house. She is to the point now where "baby" food just doesn't do it for her. She loves Veg-All!! She says some simple words now like: mom, dad, kitty (sounds like kkkkkkkty), don't, dog, duck, yes, uh-oh. She is now learning to repeat sounds that she hears. Madelyn loves to play with her aunts, uncles, grandparents, but especially with her cousins. Maddie loves to watch Baby Einstein videos and she also really likes Barney. She loves music especially our piano. She is a great dancer too!! Maddie has become a little spoiled since our trip to California--she now has a portable DVD player in the car. What a great investment for any parent....a must have for travel. Our most recent news. Maddie spent exactly 2 whole hours at daycare. I don't know who hated it more-mommy or Maddie.... I think it was mommy. It's been really amazing to watch Maddie's personality really coming through lately. If she doesn't want to do or eat something, she lets you know.
Madelyn One Year Old
Well, she is now a whole year old! It's hard to believe how fast this past year has gone. We had a wonderful party for Maddie on Saturday night and we joined in celebration with many friends and family members. I baked Maddie her very own vegan chocolate cake, but she really didn't enjoy it (everyone else couldn't tell that it was vegan at all). By the end of the night our house looked like Babies 'R Us with toys and clothes scattered everywhere. It was really great to share this special occasion with so many loved ones. Thank you to everyone who made the trip to our home for Madelyn's birthday.
Madelyn 13 Months
Well, another month has flown by. Madelyn has been enjoying long walks in the beautiful weather. She likes to play in the backyard and look at the flowers, birds and squirrels. She also likes it when we blow bubbles for her. Maddie has really started trying to repeat things that we say (it doesn't always come out quite right). She is also really babbling now...she'll say a whole sentence and we can usually only understand one word:) We are really looking forward to all of the new experiences that we get to share with her this summer.
Madelyn 14 Months
Madelyn is doing wonderful and she is really becoming vocal. I think that Maddie's favorite word right now is Hi! She wakes up saying it, says it to everyone we pass in the store and loves to say it to her kitties. Maddie loves it when her daddy comes home from work and we all get to play together and go for walks. David started a sales manager position for National Wheel-O-Vator in Roanoke, IL. We miss him when he is gone but it makes our time with him that much more special. We just started swim class last week and Maddie is the star of her class, she really enjoys to count to 3 and jump from the side of the pool. Madelyn has discovered the flowers outside (she calls them prettys) and she loves to pick all the ones that she sees. Maddie really is her father's daughter...her favorite snack is popcorn. It is great to see the two of them kicked back in the chair each with their own bowl of popcorn. What a riot! Check back next month for more exciting updates.
Madelyn 15 Months
Well another month has gone by in the life of Maddie Rue. She is really talking now and is even trying to say I Love You (sounds like eyewuhyou). Very cute and it melts your heart when she says it to you. She really enjoys being outdoors. She loves to take walks, swing on her swingset and she loves to play in her new pool. Madelyn no longer seems to know how to walk...she runs everywhere she goes! This kid has more teeth than most adults from central Illinois, I think. I think there is a good picture of her whole mouthful o' teeth in the photo gallery! She just had her 15 month doctor visit and the doc says she is fit as a fiddle! We are so happy to say that she has still never been sick even a single day! I attitrube that to her diet and her mother's diet (this is obviously Big Daddy writing!) She is developing amazing personality and it is fun to learn her likes and dislikes--it is also quite fun to watch her throw a temper tantrum!
Trip to Denver
We just returned from a fun filled family trip to Denver, Colorado. It was a really great experience. Madelyn was wonderful in the car (thanks to daddy for buying the DVD player). We started out in Denver just relaxing for the evening in our hotel room. The next day we went to Larimer Square (a quaint little boardwalk with shops and restaurants) and had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory...if you've never been, you must try it. It was another evening at the hotel as everyone was a little tired from the alititude. The next day we drove to see the Denver Airport (hands down the ugliest airport in the United States) and then we were off to Littleton, Colorado to see David's old apartment and Columbine High School. It was really eerie to see the school in person after seeing it on the news so many times. That evening David took me, Maddie, his friends Matt and Kristin, and Matt's mom out to a Japanese steak house. It was so much fun. The chef cooks your dinner right at your table while doing a little bit of juggling with his knives and some comedy with your food. It was great. The next day we were off to Boulder, Colorado. We went to Pearl St. where there are many little shops. We found this great little art store where they were selling the most beautiful handmade journals and photo albums. We found out that they were selling them for way below their value and decided to buy a few for gifts. We drove back to Denver and spent the evening hanging out and having some family time. The next morning we were planning to head home first thing in the morning, but decided instead to drive back to Boulder (45 minutes the wrong direction) to buy more journals and photo albums because we knew that our family and friends would fall in love with them as well. We made it to Kansas City early that evening had some dinner and went to bed. The next morning we headed out early as we had an 8 hour drive to Lance, Nicole and Mikaila's. We finally arrived there and ate dinner. The two girls took a bath together and then all us girls went to bed. The boys stayed up and played chess. The next morning we got up and headed to Peoria. It had never felt so great to be home. Maddie was super excited to see her kitties and all her toys. It really was a great family vacation.
Madelyn 16 Months
Summer is here and we having really been enjoying it. Madelyn loves to go swimming at her Aunt Carol's house and at her Aunt Barbie's. Maddie's favorite thing to do while swimming it to count to three and jump off the side of the pool. Maddie has been saying a new word just about everyday. It is amazing the things that she comes up with and the words that she can repeat.

Just the other day David and I were in the kitchen talking (Maddie was in the other room). She came in to where we were and said, "blah blah blah". It was hilarious!!

Earlier this week David, Maddie, Grandma Susie, Ethan and I went to Brown's Oakridge Zoo. We had so much fun looking at all the animals. We walked around for a while looking at the deer, bears, big cats, goats etc. Maddie got the hang of feeding the goats and the donkeys, she thought it was very fun. After this the fun really began. We got to play with two 6 week old tigers. It was amazing! Maddie had a lot of fun playing with the kitties, but she kept wanting to go feed the donkeys (if she only knew what a rare opportunity this was). David had more fun than anyone petting the tigers as this has always been a dream of his. Be sure to check out the pictures of our fun day in the summer fun category.

I will update again next month...same bat time, same bat station!
Madelyn 17 Months
We are still enjoying the summer with Maddie. We love to take walks...she likes to ride in style in her stroller and point out the birds, squirrels and rabbits. It's fun to watch her eyes light up when she sees a bunny hopping in the grass our hears a bird in the tree right above her.

Maddie still enjoys kitty cats and has to take atleast three with her everywhere she goes (sometimes this can be a pain). I can't hardly make it out of a store without a new stuffed cat!!! We are looking forward to the holiday seasons already and all of the fun that we are going to have with Maddie.
Madelyn 18 Months
A year and a half. WOW!! There are still days even now when David and I look at Maddie and can't believe she is here and that she is our daughter.

Maddie will walk around the house when she can't find me and yell "MOMMY" over and over again... you can't help but love hearing that. Maddie has been learning her colors (she recognizes all of them and can name most of them). I have been taking her to playgroups 2 and 3 times a week and it is really fun to watch her interact with other children her age (she is now learning the meaning of the word "share").

It is amazing the differences in her in just the past month. One of her favorite things to do right now is help with the groceries. As soon as you pick up a bag she says "helping" and wants to hold the bag and unload the contents. Sometimes she helps and sometimes she hinders but it is fun either way. Bathtimes with daddy along with playing with daddy while she nurses are her favorite nighttime rituals.

Please check out all of the new pictures that I have been adding.
Madelyn 19 Months
First off, sorry for the delay in my posting, we have been out of town. Madelyn is making such amazing progress in her speech and motor skills. I am pretty sure that she has forgotten how to walk because she is running everywhere she goes! Maddie now knows her colors and some of her shapes. It is so cute when she is looking at something (like a balloon) and will say "purple, oval".

We all went to Cleveland, OH last week for David's week of training for Ohio Technical College. Maddie and I had fun shopping, playing at the park and visiting the zoo while daddy was stuck at work. We had SO much fun at the zoo. We arrived a little early and got to the elephant exhibit and didn't see any elephants. We walked around the back and saw the elephant getting her morning shower. It was so great to watch, and Maddie loved it (she still talks about it).

I still look at her and can't believe that we made her and she is really ours. She is so wonderful and perfect and I really know that I don't deserve such an awesome gift.
Madelyn 20 Months
I can't believe that Madelyn will be 2 years old in just 4 short months! It seems like yesterday that we took what seemed like the longest and most dangerous drive of our lives bringing her home from the hospital.

Maddie has been changing so much in the last couple of months. Madelyn's favorite thing to do right now is to "draw kitty cats". She likes it when daddy and I draw cats and she gets to color them in. She also has learned a new phrase, "Hold Ya", she will walk up to you and say "Mommy, hold ya" and then want you to pick her up. One of mine and David's favorite things that she does is when she reads to herself. You will hear her rambling in her room and if you peek around the corner you will find her with a book open talking about what is on the pages. It is so awesome!

We can't wait to see what the future holds. We have started working on counting, and next it is the alphabet!!
Madelyn 21 Months
Another month goes by. We have been having lots of fun visiting with our families for the holidays. Thanksgiving was really nice. We had lunch at the Phillips', dinner at the Norman's and then went back to the Phillips' home for more fellowship. Madelyn had so much fun playing with Erica (or Kuk likes she says) that day. My parents moved in with us the weekend after Thanksgiving, and Maddie is really happy to have Gampy and Bicky in her house.

Madelyn continues to amaze us every day. Today in the car she was in the back seat with my mom and I hear, "five, six seven". My 21 month-old daughter was counting!!! I knew that she could count to four because we have been working on that everyday, but I had know idea she could count to seven. Another new found love of Maddie's is to kiss my belly (she calls them belly kisses). I don't know if she understands that there is a baby in there or not, but she loves to hug and kiss my belly and has to do it every night before bed.

We are really looking forward to Christmas this year. It is going to be so much fun to watch her rip open her presents on Christmas morning! The joys of parenthood!!
Madelyn 22 Months
Maddie is really starting to get excited about her baby brother. She has started to read him books and she loves to hug and kiss my belly and talk to him before she goes to bed and when she wakes up in the morning. The other day she even tried to share her precious piglet blanket with him (she doesn't share this blanket with anyone).

When I look at her now I don't see the face of a baby anymore, it is the face of a little girl. In some ways it makes me happy that she is growing up and becoming a "big girl", and other times it makes me sad that it is happening so fast. We really are looking forward to all the things that the future holds for our family.
Madelyn 23 Months
What an exciting month! Maddie has really taken off in her vocabulary and she now speaks in full sentences. It's actually pretty fun to talk to her on the phone now. On January 17, David, Maddie, Vicky, Susie and I flew out to Los Angeles for vacation. On the 18th we filmed a show for Dr. Phil. The show is about parents who push their children maybe a little too much. It was a really fun experience. We spent the rest of the week enjoying the warm California sunshine. We went to Disneyland, the beach, Wild Animal Park, we swam and we visited some friends. We all had a really good time.

We are looking forward to Maddie's 2nd birthday next month and all that the age of two entails.
Madelyn 2 Years Old
This big 2!! I still can't believe it. We started celebrating a little early by taking a two week vacation to Florida. We were able to visit friends and family, and alot of people met Maddie for the first time. We went to Disney World for two days and once again Maddie got to see Pooh, Tigger and Eeoyre (definitely the highlight of her vacation). We took her to the Lion King show where she jumped up and down, clapped and sang the whole time. David and I were in tears. It is so wonderful to watch her experience things for the first time. We made it back home the day before her party and started preparing for the big night. Maddie had a Hello Kitty themed party complete with a Hello Kitty cake, she loved it. We had fun visiting with friends and family and celebrating this wonderful occasion. Maddie woke up the next day still talking about her cake and all of the presents she had received. She also told me that she didn't want to be old, just two. I said that nobody wants to be old and that being two was great!!!
We are looking forward to the months ahead when Maddie will become a big sister. I know that we are all excited about this. Maddie loves to tell people that her baby brother Maverick is in Mommy's belly and that she is going to be a big sister. I know that she is bossy enough to keep him in line and she follows directions well enough to be a big helper. We can't wait!!
Madelyn 2 Years and 1 Month
Madelyn is really becoming so much fun. The other day I was in my pj's feeding her breakfast and she said, "Mommy, you look so pretty in your outfit!". David said that love must really be blind!! She is always coming up with funny things to say. Maddie is no longer breastfeeding (she stopped right after her birthday) and she has even taken a couple of naps with Grandma Susie. Pretty soon she will be spending the night over there to prepare for when Maverick joins us.

Maddie is really in to Dora right now and requests it as soon as she wakes up. She can sing the entire ABC's and she is really starting to figure out how to count!! She is getting to be such a big girl. We are still working on the big girl potty chair, but it isn't going as smoothly as we would like. We are cherishing our last moments that we are able to focus entirely on her and we are trying to make some special memories for her. We can't wait for Maverick to come and join our family though!
2 Years and 2 Months
Madelyn is really starting to be a ham!! She loves to watch Dora the Explorer, and you will hear her in her room talking to the tv! She also loves to sing songs. Her favorites are the Dora songs (of course), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, ABC's and Jesus Loves Me. Maddie can also now count from 1-13 in English and to 6 in Spanish!!! She really does crack us up.

Maddie has been telling us all of things that she is going to do with her baby brother when he comes out of Mommy's tummy. She said that she is going to take baths with him, share her toys and read him books. I think that she is really starting to understand that there is a little person inside Mommy's tummy that is going to come and live with us. It's amazing the changes in my little girl, she really is growing fast.
2 Years and 3 Months
Maddie is now a big sister and she is doing great. She loves to try and help out by turning on his swing or getting him a blanket. She still tries to kiss him in my tummy, and every time I explain to her that Maverick isn't in my tummy anymore, he is right here. She then tells me that he is going to get back in my tummy. That's a two year old for you!!

Every day Maddie amazes us with her ability to adjust to new things. We moved in to our new home last weekend, and she is adjusting well. She has her own little playground and a big swimming pool in the back yard. She calls the pool the "Noisy River". Then she spent her first nights away from her mommy while I was in the hospital having Maverick. Not only was it one night, it was three. That was really hard on all of us. Now she is adjusting to not being the only kid in the family. It has been difficult for me to not be able to do everything with her that I always can, and I know that she misses her mommy too and that she is a little confused by everything that is going on.

All that said, Maddie continues to learn new things and amaze us every day with her intelligence!
2 Years and 4 Months
Well, it has been a busy month in our home with the arrival of Maddie's new baby brother. She is really starting to adjust to life as a big sister. We have taken her to a couple of local carnivals, and she LOVES to ride the merry-go-round. She still loves to watch Dora and her spanish is greatly improving. She has been having fun with her grandparents and her cousins lately. David has been having tons of fun with her in the pool, and I am looking forward to my turn! We are having a great time with her this summer
2 Years and 5 Months
Someone has become quite the awnry little girl lately. We think that she is acting out a little bit because her mommy isn't given her all the attention that she is used to. We still have a very good little girl and we are very proud of her. Maddie really likes to take baths with her little brother and she likes to help mommy rinse him off. Maddie continues to crack us up with the funny things that she says. The other night we were in bed and I sneezed, she said "God bless you. Oh my gosh, you got a lot of water on me." Where does she come up with this stuff? We couldn't be happier with the progress she is making in speaking spanish and with her swimming, she improves leaps and bounds each day.
2 Years and 6 Months
Maddie got to go to Disneyland again this month! She rode the Pooh ride atleast 20 times and was able to see Pooh and his friends about 7 times. She was a very well behaved little girl on the plane and we were so proud of her. Maddie is really becoming independent and is learning to put on her own socks and shoes. We think she is starting to realize that her baby brother is here to stay and we aren't to sure she likes the idea!! Her favorite foods right now are pizza, french fries and cheese!! Her favorite place to go is Chuck-E-Cheese ( that is where her and daddy go together to hang out). We are having a lot of fun being the parents of these two wonderful kids.
2 Years and 7 Months
Well, it's official, she's a big girl. Madelyn started preschool this month!! Maddie goes to school on Monday and Tuesday mornings for a couple of hours. David and I were really worried about her, but she loves it. Madelyn asks everyday if she gets to go to school. We proudly hang all of her art projects on the fridge...we need to get a bigger fridge!
Madelyn had a lot of fun trick-or-treating with daddy, mommy and Maverick this year. The weather was cold and rainy so we were only able to go to a few houses in the neighborhood, but Maddie got enough candy to feed a small army! We are really starting to look forward to Christmas!
2 Years and 9 Months
Maddie loves school! She asks every day if she gets to go to school today. It is great! She is making new friends and enjoying the structure of school. Her favorite things to do at school are; play with playdoh, puzzles and using glue (which she calls goo).

We are beginning to realize that 3 is just around the corner and that Maddie really is growing up fast! She is such a big girl. We have begun to potty train and she thinks it is really exciting to wear big girl underpants.

We can't wait for Christmas, it will be an exciting day for us.
2 Years and 10 Months
She has now developed the little girl attitude!! Some not so nice words and phrases are coming out of our beautiful daughter's mouth!! We hate to laugh but sometimes it really is funny!!

Maddie still loves school and I think she would like to go every day! She also really likes to go to gymnastics class.

I took the kids to the Discovery Museum in Bloomington, IL for the first time last week and both the kids really enjoyed it. Maddie's favorite parts were painting on a plexiglass wall and playing with toys on a water table. We will definitely go there again.
2 Years and 11 Months
Oh my goodness!!!! Her birthday is in a few weeks!! She now tells everyone that she is 2 but she's getting 3 for her birthday in March! Maddie still loves school and still asks everyday if she can go. I think that next year we are going to let her go 4 days a week.
3 Years Old!
Oh my!!! She's 3, she's 3!! We had a wonderful month. Madelyn took cupcakes to school for birthday treats and had a lot of fun sharing them with her friends. On her birthday we took her to Chuck E Cheese for games, rides and pizza!! Then we took her to Walmart so she could pick out a present (she already got her bike and her motorized jeep from us the week before) she picked out Mr. Potato Head. We spent the rest of the day at home just enjoying time with our birthday girl. The Saturday after her birthday we had friends and family over to celebrate. It was great and she got a lot of really nice gifts. It was pretty stormy outside so the party was cut a little short, but it was still a perfect evening.

Madelyn loves to tell people that she is three and show them by holding up her three fingers (just like Daddy tought her). We started swim class last week and she is just like a little fish swimming around. She also started her new "big girl" gymnastics class, she doesn't have to have mommy or daddy help her. She is growing up way to fast!!
3 Years and 1 Month
Well, cabin fever is finally over! YAY we have been able to play outside. Maddie is becoming quite the artist with her sidewalk chalk. I don't always know what she is drawing, sometimes I wonder if she knows. Maddie is still enjoying swim class, school and gymnastics, and we have been visiting her friend Grace a lot and she really loves that too!

We are looking forward to opening the pool in a few weeks and spending all our days out in the sun.
3 Years and 2 Months
Well, preschool is over for this year. Maddie did great, she was the only one in her class to accomplish all of the skill requirements for her age group. We couldn't be more proud of her. Daddy bought the kids a new "playground" and Maddie has been having a lot of fun trying to master crossing the monkey bars. She still loves to swing and would play outside all day if we let her. The pool is up and running and Maddie takes dips every day with her daddy. We are looking forward to an awesome summer.
3 Years and 3 Months
Madelyn had her first gymnastics show!! It was a hoot, she even received a medal. We are still enjoying the pool and the warm weather here in Illinois. Maddie has been having a lot of fun playing with her new puppy, Mooshoo and her friend Koree. We are having fun with Maddie and she is really growing up so fast. She amazing us each day with her intelligence, and I know that it is going to continue the rest of her life!! We are planning a family vacation with friends of ours and that will be great for all of us.
3 Years and 4 Months
We have had a wonderful month. Maddie has really been enjoying the swimming pool. She now can float on her back, swims while kicking her feet and using her arms, jumps in the pool by herself and holds her breath and puts her face under water. Madelyn has been having tons of fun playing with her best friend Grace and going to Vacation Bible School with her. We all went on a vacation to Branson, Missouri with another family and had a blast!! Maddie rode in go-carts for the first time with her Daddy and rode in bumber boats with mommy. What a fun time!!
3 Years and 5 Months
Well, Maddie has her first best friend, and her name is Grace. These two girl talk about each other ALL the time, it is so cute. Grace and her family come over a couple times a week and the girls are like sisters, they play really well together and then all of the sudden they are fighting and they don't want to play anymore. It is a riot!!! Madelyn is looking forward to starting her new school in a couple of weeks and meeting her new friends and teachers. Madelyn will also be starting new dance classes at the end of this month. Maddie will be taking tap, ballet and acrobats at Merilee Studios (exciting for me because I when there as a little girl).

We are still enjoying our pool and Maddie gets better at swimming everyday. She now jumps in by herself and goes under water, her and daddy do flips, and she swims with her face under water. We are so proud of her.
Madelyn 3 Years and 6 Months
Big girl started school last week!! She really likes it and David and I are really happy with the school and the teachers. Madelyn has been enjoying her time outdoors so we are trying to get in as much as possible before the weather turns cold.

Maddie's new favorite thing to do is to make cards for everyone. I think that this started when we made a Father's Day card for daddy and now she thinks that she should make cards for everyone. Madelyn also loves to draw on her chalkboard. I think she spends hours doing this.

We all had a fun trip to the Indianapolis Zoo and Maddie got to feed a couple of giraffes. It was a great day!
Madelyn 3 Years and 7 Months
She really is growing up. I can't believe how tall she is getting. Maddie likes to go to school and to church every week. She is also having a lot of fun in her gymnastics class. Madelyn keeps asking when she can swim in her pool again, these are the times I wish that we lived in California or Florida!!

We are looking forward to Halloween except that Maddie keeps has changed her mind on what she wants to dress up as. I am now on the hunt for a bat costume!!
Madelyn 3 Years and 8 Months
What a great month. Madelyn went on 3 field trips with her school, she went to a pumpkin patch, the firestation and the library. She really is growing up.

We had an awesome vacation this year. We spent a lot of time with good friends and family along the way. Maddie really enjoyed her time in Pigeon Forge because she got to ride race cars with daddy. In Florida she had lots of fun playing at the beach with daddy and brother and visiting lots of friends. We all went to Disneyworld and Madelyn really soaked in the experience. She loved the Lion King show and the Pocahontas show but she didn't like the Bug Show!! I think that her favorite ride was still the Pooh ride. She didn't like the Snow White ride at all, she said it was too scary!

We had an awesome vacation and are looking forward to the rest of the year!!
Madelyn 3 Years and 9 Months
Maddie had her first Christmas program at school this month. It was a hoot!! None of the kids knew the words to the song and none of them could keep the beat but it was priceless to watch. David and I both finished up the program with tears in our eyes. It is times like this when you really notice that your baby is growing up way too fast.

Maddie is really looking forward to Christmas this year. She keeps asking for a kitten, a fish and a pig!! She said she will settle for a stuffed pig though. We told her no way on the kitten! She doesn't know it yet but Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Dale are getting her the fish. We can't wait to see what the new year has in store for our family.
Madelyn 3 Years and 10 Months
Four is coming WAY to fast for my liking. Maddie is maturing so quickly, it is unbelievable. Madelyn still loves school and always comes home talking about her friends and the activities of the day. We are currently applying to a private Christian school for her next year, we are excited about this opportunity for her.

Madelyn loves gymnastics and has so much fun with all her friends there. She is looking forward to starting swim lessons again in February. She also LOVES to go to church and is always looking for her friends and family when church is over. We can't way to see what the new year brings for our family.
Madelyn 3 Years and 11 Months
Oh my word, she really is going to be 4 next month! I still can't believe it. Madelyn has really been blossoming in to a young lady, she is losing that baby look and really is looking like a little girl. Does that make sense at all?

Maddie has been making new friends and really enjoys her friends at church and at school. Madelyn's best friend from school is a little boy named Owen, we have even become friends with his family!

Madelyn invites everyone she meets to come to her birthday party...hopefully they don't all show up! We are looking forward to her birthday so much!! Maddie will be having her very first birthday party with just her we just have to figure out where to have it!
Madelyn 4 Years
Oh my Lord!! She's four!! I really can't believe it.

Maddie's birthday started with presents at home from mom and dad. She then took some of her favorite cookies to have as a treat with her friends. When we got home she opened a package from her Aunt Amy in Colorado and then it was off for a power nap. We all got up and went over to Aunt Gina's for pizza and cake. What a fun day!!

Later in the week Maddie had her first birthday party with her friends at Chuck E Cheese. It was very fun for all of the kids and very overwhelming for all the adults. A fun time was had by all.

Another party? Oh yes. On Saturday of that week we had her party with all of the family and some more friends. The theme yet again was Hello Kitty. My brother Rod and I designed the cake and Maddie helped me decorate the house. Oh was that a sight to see! Everyone had a great time celebrating Madelyn and all the joy that she brings to our lives.

I still can't believe that my little baby girl is four years old!!
Madelyn 4 Years and 1 Month
We had just a great vacation at the beginning of April. We went to St. Louis to visit some friends and go to the zoo, then on to Branson and finally to Memphis. Madelyn had tons of fun at the zoo and even got to ride the carousel!! In Memphis Madelyn went to two IMAX movies with her daddy. She still talks about the movie about the Mars Rovers! Who would have thought it??

We are looking forward to a summer filled with t-ball, swimming and other really fun outdoor activities!
Madelyn 4 Years and 2 Months
Another school year is coming to an end. I can't believe it is May already and I really can't believe that my daughter is 4 years old! Madelyn has been enjoying a lot of time outdoors; she loves to ride her bike, drive her jeep and make mommy and daddy pretty pictures with the chalk on the driveway!! In the evening when it cools off Madelyn loves to draw pictures for us (I bet we could wallpaper the whole house with all her art work)!!

We are looking forward to a summer filled with very fun activities! Madelyn will be in school, soccer, t-ball, swim, gymnastics and cheerleading!! I am sure we will find some time to eat and sleep in there too.
Madelyn 4 Years and 3 Months
I was just looking at pictures yesterday and I can't believe how much Madelyn has grown up in the last year. She is really starting to look like a young lady!! Her hair is getting so long and I am having so much fun fixing it in the morning and deciding which pretty hair bows she should wear! We have been having a great summer so far. We spend a lot of time with our friends and with our family too.

T-ball started a couple weeks ago and David is the coach. We think that the Wildcats are the best team out there!! Madelyn has a lot of fun playing and I know that David has a lot of fun's kind of like your life going full circle!

We are also having a lot of fun at the pool. It is hard for mommy to let go and just let Madelyn have fun, I still feel like she has to be right near me the whole time. i am getting better though!! This is going to be a great summer!!
Madelyn 4 Years and 4 Months
I was taking pictures of Madelyn today and just couldn't believe how grown up she looked. She has lost that baby face and now looks like a young lady. It is such a bittersweet time for me. I love watching her grow but at the same time I want to hang on to every moment and keep her little. I want to shelter her and protect her from harm and yet give her the independence that she longs for. These things are what makes parenting so hard!

We have been having a blast this summer; going to the pool, playing T-ball, playing with friends, going to the movies, the list could go on and on. I hope this is a summer that our children will always remember. A summer that was totally focused on them and making sure that they were having a great time! Oh to be a kid again!
Madelyn 4 Years and 5 Months
She's going to Kindergarten!!! WOW! I can't even believe that I just wrote that. Two weeks ago we had Madelyn tested for early enrollment in to Kindergarten and she got in!! Her first day in August 22 and she is so excited (as are we). We went shopping today for school supplies and it was so much fun. Madelyn had a good time picking out what color folders, notebooks and backpack she wanted. She also loved it that Daddy took her shopping for school shoes.

I still don't think that it has hit me that my baby girl will be a Kindergartener next week!! We have had a really great summer and were fortunate to be abl to spend a lot of time together as a family. We played outdoors a lot and spent a lot of time at the pool. We are really looking forward to watching Madelyn blossom in to an independent young lady!
Madelyn 4 Years and 6 Months
She loves kindergarten. I am so proud of her!! The first couple days of school either me or daddy walked her in to her class and said our goodbyes there. On about the 4th day of school we pulled up in the van and she said, "mommy, I think I want to walk in by myself today." Wow!! I was so proud of her at that moment. After she walked in to the building I began to cry. These were the first tears that I shed during this kindergarten transition. She just seemed so grown up to me at that moment.

We are enjoying the cooler weather here in Central Illinois and trying to take as much time as we can spending time outdoors as a family. We have made trips to the zoo and to the park a top priority.

She really is growing up. Some days I just can't believe it.
Madelyn 4 Years and 7 Months
Fall is here! Madelyn had her first kindergarten field trip to the orchard. The class fed goats, played on the playground, learned about apples and drank a lot of apple cider. Madelyn had so much fun that she fell asleep on the bus on her way back to school. Daddy has been having a lot of fun helping Madelyn with her homework and getting her ready for her math tests!! Can you believe it? Math tests in kindergarten!!

Madelyn is really looking forward to Halloween and showing everyone her lion costume. We have quite a few activities planned so we can get a lot of use out of their costumes! Maddie is also looking forward to her first overnight with a friend. I don't think that mommy and daddy are ready though.